I am who I am.

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I don't claim to know everything but I stand by my beliefs.

I believe that everyone needs to be treated fairly regardless of their differences. I believe in not letting work get in the way of what's important. I believe selflessness is important but respecting yourself is more important. I believe in not giving up on people just because the situation isn't as smooth as it used to be.

I've learnt that not everyone will appreciate who you are and however sincere you may be, you can still be overlooked. I've learnt that over time, people's priorities change and thus the people they used to be. And we have to learn to accept that. I am at peace with the fact that those who know me for who I am, will love and accept me no doubt, but as for those who cannot see your worth, you don't have to prove it to them. They're just not worth that much. Sometimes we don't want to give up on those we love. We'd do whatever it takes to have them back in our lives. And once you know you've done all you can and they still remain heedless, you need to respect yourself enough to walk away.

Loving yourself is vital and happiness can only be found within your own self.

I love the person I've become because I fought to become her.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2015 ⏰

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