{DA} Chapter 1: Let Me Introduce Myself

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The corpses were strewn across the field, none even remotely resembling their former appearance, and in the middle stood the Great Slayer. His head was arched to the sky as he saw the pristine blue of the morning. The breeze stroked his armour and the sun warmed his face through the visor. His breathing was the only thing that could be heard.

This world is young and unfamiliar with Hell. And with this encounter, it has been tainted.

Slayer then walked away from the crimson mound, hoping to find any sign of life that remained clean. Every step he made made tremors in the blood. And when he made his way out of the pool, an imp, that was clinging onto its measly, little life, believed that the slayer would be vulnerable.

[Slayer, it appears that you have gotten rusty.]

A robotic voice spoke to the slayer within his helmet, notifying him about his impending assault. And the Slayer's response was a twirl of his body and the extension of his arm. He made contact with the target and carried on walking, as its head began rolling. The doomblade was whipped clean and retracted into its compartment.
The Slayer turned back to see the hellish landscape slowly wither into ashes, leaving no evidence of the battle that took place. And with that, he marched onward.

VEGA, scan my whereabouts.

[As of right now, you are located in a flood plain of what seems to be a coastal country.]

Plot a point of the closest civilisations on my HUD.

[Done. It appears that the closest destination is a small town or village.]

With that, the Slayer found himself at the gate of said village in a moments notice. He looked to see no guards stationed at the gate and pushed the gate open.
His eyes were revealed to a small town of hardy farmers and villagers. None of them seemed to take too much notice of him, as they were all on there way doing work. VEGA then decided to comment.

[It appears these villagers have seen someone as strange as you before.]

Yeah, I was expecting to be surrounded by guards or people...this was unexpected.

The Slayer then began to walk through the town. He was met with smiles and nods which he returned and carried on with his business. Children were dotted in several places, playing games with each other. A sense of confusion crawled upon the Slayer as he wondered why these people seemed natural to the sight of such an imposing person in their lands. But before long, his answers were marching through the gate.
Rather, the gate had been destroyed and now it seems a group of mercs made their way through the town. The villagers only responded by bowing their heads and moving out of their way. The Slayer decided to hide in the shadows to see what the commotion was about.
Now in the centre of the town, a man who seemed to be the group's leader called out to all the villagers.

"Come now! We haven't all day!"

The townsfolk seemed reluctant to answer, but came anyway. There were about 70 of them and 20 of the mercs. The leader proceeded on talking.

"I'm sure you all know what day it is today. If not, then you'll be killed for your stupidity."

The other mercs then walked away and to the houses, each one busting down the door and walking in. A few moments pass before they come out with a sack of coins in their hands. Well, some of them.

"Hey hey! Looks like some of you morons forgot to put out your share. Who lives in those houses over there."

The boss said as he gestured to two houses in the distance. The crowd didn't respond until the boss planted a sword into the ground. The ground around them shook and the townsfolk trembled, but no one stood forward, which resulted in-

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