1-if only

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"LANGA!!!!!" Reki woke up in a flash. A cold sweat running down his face.

The images flashed in his head. He was about to live a happy ever after with Langa, but Adam showed up last minute and took his prince away.

He had that exact dream last night, and the night before. He couldn't think why he did. Maybe it was to torture him, or maybe it was some weird magic. He scratched the last idea, magic wasn't real. What he hated was there was no definitive ending, so what happened next after Langa was taken away was a mystery.

Reki checked his phone, six in the morning. Well nearly, his alarm was going to ring in a minute, so he switched it off before it could. Then he started his day like normal.


"Same dream? Is that even possible?" Langa asked, he was curious. Langa did have a crush on the redhead boy after all, so he did wonder why he was having dreams like that.

"I don't know dude, it's weird."

"How does the dream feel?" Langa was in Reki's face. The redhead backed up at Langa's sudden interest.

"Well, it feels like another normal dream, but it also feels so real. Like the skating feels completely real." Reki tried to explain it. Langa's interest only grew.

"Langa? Why are you staring? You're going to stare a hole right through me." The blue haired boy averted his gaze and looked down at his skateboard.

"Sorry, do you wanna go to school?" He asked. Reki smiled, and then they did their handshake before skating off.

All throughout the day all Reki thought about his dream, but never brung it up again. Langa noticed he was spacing out a lot more, and even when they were skateboarding he spaced out, causing him to crash into a wall.

"Ow, that hurt. Wait, why did I just crash into the wall?"

"You spaced out again, that's why." Langa said.

Reki chuckled and itched the back of his head. "Well I gotta be careful next time. I know I've been spacing out too much." He admitted. He usually didn't like spacing out, especially when he's with his friends. It's like going into the zone, but Reki had never been in the zone before.

Langa looked at him with slight concern. It wasn't like Reki to do this. At all.


"Hmm? Yes Langa?"

"How are you feeling?" Reki's face was dusted pink. It took a second for him to answer.

"Why are you asking that? I'm fine." Reki had said before he didn't like talking about feelings, and said it felt a little weird. Today wasn't an exception.

"Hey! How long are you going to stand there?" Came a voice. The two turned to face it. Standing there was Miya, holding his board. "Oh yeah and I heard everything so don't even try to lie."

"Oh come on Miya! You could of just said you were there!" Reki shouted.

"Then it wouldn't be fun. And Reki, I can see you blushing." Miya replied.

"I'm not blushing!" His face said otherwise, become brighter.

"He's blushing?" Langa, oblivious to this all asked.

"Why, you don't even notice! Can you be any more oblivious?!" Miya started laughing loudly. Langa just stood there in complete silence. Reki began running toward Miya, and then they began the chase, each jumping on their skateboard.

"Hold on, wait for me!" Langa finally said, joining them.

The time they spent on this took Reki's mind off of his dream, and Langa thought that was the end of Reki's spacing out.

But he was wrong.


"Thank you for finding me!" One of the last normal things in the dream. Reki, or rather, Cindereki, had just been reunited with Prince Langa. The ice road and the glass skateboard shone brightly and there was a twinkle in Langa's eyes.

This was usually the moment it all went wrong. Adam showed up, took Langa, and left Cindereki on her own. (he's referred to as she/her in the drama cd cause he's Cinderella)

The dream didn't even stop there, as Langa was taken further away, her stepsisters, who were Miya and Cherry Blossom in this dream, were trying to get to him. Neither of them succeeded.

Prince Langa's and Adam's faces drew closer, and Cindereki was ready to give up. Then he began to disappear.



Then he woke up. There was a tear or two falling down his face, and his alarm was going off in the background.

"REKI YOUR ALARM HAS BEEN GOING OFF FOR FIVE MINUTES!" Reki stared at his phone. It had been five minutes, but it felt like forever. He clenched his chest.


Come to think of it, he had been quite attached to langa in the dream, way more than in real life. He even recalled trying to kiss him at one point in one of these dreams.

His face went red, and his head started to wonder, had his feelings changed for Langa?

They were best friends, nothing more.

"Do I-"

But he has lots of fun hanging out with Langa. It's boring when he's not around.

"Have my-"

When they fought he admitted that he missed Langa and their time together.

"Have my feelings changed?"

He turned off his alarm and sat in silence.

"Do I like him as a friend? Or do I 'like' like him?"

'I don't know.' He thought.

'I honestly don't know.'

And that's all he thought about this morning.

A/n: yes I'm sad sk8 is over. *initiate bi panic reki* anyways hope you liked this chapter!

These little dreams of mine | renga short storyWhere stories live. Discover now