Contest Seven - Open

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Hello everyone! I'm back.

 I thought I'd be gone for long but here I am with another contest.

Congrats to the winners of the previous contest, again. I won't tag them because I don't want to bother them after a month. 

Before you get of reading the unnecessary things, I'd jump right into the juicy part... the contest prompt.

The contest is open for kpop and anime also, unless stated otherwise.

For this contest, make a book jacket for your favorite fanfiction. 

Title:  title of your favorite fanfiction

Subtitle: based on the fanfiction. it's mandatory

Dimensions: 1100x800 pixels (or anything along this ratio)

Genre: based on your favorite book

Author: whoever wrote that book. their username in that platform or any penname they use

Watermark: your username (must include) and it must be your username so that I can identify your entry easily. of course you can use the watermark you prefer but add your username also.

Faceclaims: the characters in the story. (not mandatory)

Deadline: 20th April, 2021

If you don't have a favorite fanfic, you can make one of your own. In that case, add description of the story along with the entry.

To join, comment 'joining' and tag 3 of your friends.

To submit, tag me in the comment section of the chapter where you post your entry or PM the link. 

Do not delete your entry, not at least until the results are announced. 

Good Luck!

 (I've made some changes in the Information page. Do read it.)

Blank Space - Graphic ContestsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora