Chapter three: A heart to be found

Start from the beginning

"What? What passage?" Jungwon's confused, he wants to ask what is happening, what is it that it's talking about, where's Y/n?

"Find what is lost, steal what was taken, hear the story of the husband of the bride."

'Husband of the bride?'

Before he could even ask what was it says about, the smoke and the bone vanished into thin air, leaving no trail for him to follow, after calling out for the bone to appear again, he found himself inside the woods once again, repeating what the bone said, and after hearing the flowing water nearby, he did not waste any time and run into the direction of the said lake, but before he could even reach his destination, a girl in a long dress greeted him tears.

He was shocked at first but eventually regain his senses. He looks at the girl in front and noticed that the girl may have the same age as him and she is quite short, that may be shorter than Y/n, he also notices that she's wearing a white elegant dress by the ankles, and how she looks so sad.

Making his conclusion, he assumed that she was a noblewoman.

"May I know what may be the reason that you're wandering alone dark in the woods?" The girl looked at him, then turned her head away.

"There was something that I was running away from..." The girl mumbled.

"Can you tell me what was it you were running away from?" Jungwon gently asked, tilting his head a little trying to match her height.

"Marriage." He was shocked when he heard what the girl said.

"May I know who's the man you were to marry?"

"You might be shocked, but they say that the L/n's daughter runs away from marrying Baron Yang's son, so lady Yang sent a letter this morning and requested the marriage my parents and the Baron were talking about those past few years" Jungwon was shocked, and his body was frozen when he heard what the girl said.

'It can't be.'

The girl looks at him, knitting her eyebrows, wondering what was wrong, and why was he looking at her with wide-open eyes that seem like he cannot believe it.

"Are you telling me you were to marry Yang Jungwon?"

"Yes?" The girl looks at him bewildered, still hasn't realized that she was found by what she was running away from.

They stared at each other for almost 7 seconds, until Jungwon pulls the girl out of the woods bringing her to the dimly lighted streets near the Yang Manor, but before they could take a step inside the manor's gate, the girl's feet turn ice cold, when Jungwon turned around and saw how her face was paralyzed with fear and took noticed how she tightly gripped his arms, he looks at her in the eyes with concern.

"Are you afraid of going inside?" His soft voice rang into the girl's ear making her shoulders swiftly go down.

"I'm afraid to meet him, I'm afraid that my parents will look at me, and their eyes will show how disappointed they were because of me, I'm afraid that he'll be displeased, I'm afraid they'll look at me differently, I'm afraid I'll mess up, what if I mess up?" It was like wildfire, her thoughts are sprouting like wildfire lost in a forest, that do not know what to do, she was afraid.

"Don't you wanna marry the Baron's son?"

"The Baron's son?... No. No, I do not."

"Then, do you wanna help me find L/n Y/n, so you'll stay as you were before, and then the Baron's son will continue to marry Y/n, you'll never have to deal with marriage at the moment, does that sounds nice?" The offer sounds like music to the girl's ear, and her eyes once again reflect light, hope was formed in her heart.

"I would love to!"

Y/n and Riki are walking down a field. Y/n could only think of how the field looked dead. It was a field of flowers, it was a field of daffodils, daffodils that has no life, the flowers, and the grasses around are brown, dehydrated, and dry.

"This is the only romantic place that I know... well, maybe not, it doesn't look so colorful, and there is no sun that would set nor rise any sooner." Riki sighed after saying those disappointedly.

"It looks lovely." Her voice, for the first time, sounds so easy, it made Riki's mood cheer up a little after hearing it.

Riki cheekily smiled, looking everywhere but her eyes, but quickly turned around when he heard small giggles come from his side. He can feel it, He can feel the fluttery butterfly across his stomach, and the warmness of his face, he feels it again, it's been a long while since that feeling was there.

"What is it? Why have you been staring at me for so long?" Y/n laughed out while Riki's eyes stayed on her way.

"Are you getting deja vu?" Her question was odd, He was taken aback, the question rang over and over again in his head until her eyes locked with his, they could feel it now, but they know they've felt this before. They've felt this before somewhere else.

The Corpse's Bride  || N.Riki x F!Reader x Y.JungwonWhere stories live. Discover now