015; sudden confession

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'I see, I see.' This was the action that was supposed to make the heroine hate Louis. This could be easily avoided if Louis just ignored Theodor or forgived him. This is also when Theodor falls in love with the heroine, as if the heroine was a knight on a white horse and Theodor was the princess. Theodor is the first capture target to fall inlove with her. Basically Theodor is easy.

Well then, just a quick 'OK' will do.

Sumi kindly smiled at the mage, as he daringly held his hand and kissed it. The mage turned red at the sudden action, realizing who he bumped into. Louis Cliffard, George Cliffard's beloved younger brother and the youngest son of Byton Cliffard. A little imp who's spoiled and bratty.

It seems as if Sumi, our favourite protagonist, made things worst.

Sumi sweatdropped as he still kept his smile. 'Too much?' he thought. He swore he could feel the heroine's stare. He shivered as he let go of the hand.

As he looked up, he saw a red Theodor, who was stuttering words that Sumi didn't quite understand. Yeah, the thing he did was seriously too much.

"It's fine." He plainly said, as if he forgot what he did a few seconds ago. He doesn't know where this seriously amazing acting came from, probably from his other world, but it's super handy. Hm? Wait a second. Why is his face red? Is Sumi's charms a little bit too much?

"I-I like you!!"





Sumi sweatdropped as he could feel the heroine's gaze on him. Just what is going on? What's with the straight up confession? We've just met. Is he going to confess to everyone who flirts with him? Oh no. We're getting alot of attention.

Sumi sweat even more as the heroine inverbally said, 'Your not gonna reject him aren't you? He mustered up the courage to say this.' Basically, the heroine is a nosy brat who wants everything to go her way.

Sumi must do something about this. He's pressured because people are literally staring holes into them. Jeez, what a pain. What's the best thing to do in this situation? The answer is-

"Ah, thank you, I'm honored to be the one you like~" Sumi said with a big, charming smile.

Is that right?


Theodor was fiddling with his fingers as he pushed his bangs out of his face, blushing. Is he high? Sumi wants nothing more than to hide in a hole right now. This situation is so unreal.

The heroine's eyes narrowed as she stared at the duo. 'So the infamous Louis is a playboy, huh? I hate people like him the most.' Clearly the heroine misunderstood Sumi's character, but Sumi wasn't born with mind reading powers, so he doesn't know what the heroine is thinking.

Sumi unconsciously made things worst for himself.

Oh well.

Stalker +1

Hater +1

Time to go eat some cake. Wonder what Phil has for Sumi today~ Sumi strides down the hallways, almost skipping, not even acknowledging the blueberry head following Sumi behind with a blush on his face.

"My love, please flirt with me again.." The mage whispered as if he was chanting a ritual or something.

If George knew about this sudden confession, he'll most likely flip out and beat the crap out to Theodor, but he probably wont win, considering Theodor's control in magic.

Cant I Just Be A Background Character?Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora