"She had to go to work for a little bit so we are gonna hang out and your going to come to the studio to see the other boys with me yeah? You can see us work and we're going to sing the new songs" I smile and her eyes light up in excitement.

"Let's get dressed" she says and I chuckle. We head into her room and we pick an outfit out for her before walking back to the kitchen and I make her some toast.

"Princess I'm just going to get ready okay?" She nods and smiles eating her toast with bugsy and her teddy bear called rayray.

I walk off into Mads bedroom where I have a few spare clothes and clothes I've let Mads borrow. I open the drawers to see my grey hoodie and some of my black sweats. I pick them up and quickly change and head over to mads dresser and grab a beanie getting my hair out of my face before going into the bathroom to brush my teeth with the toothbrush that's made a home in Mads bathroom.

After Emily brushes her teeth we head out with me grabbing the keys and the snacks. I lock the door and we head out the car.

"Harry can I sit in the front?" I look down to her and see her with puppy dog eyes and I sigh and then chuckle.

"Okay, let me get you're seat in the front" she nods and I unlock the car putting the snacks in the back before grabbing Emily's seat out of the back and putting it in the passenger seat. I lock it in place and help Emily in. I run round the car and hop into the drivers seat and we get going to the studio.

We head in and Emily runs over to hug Louis and Niall first. I chuckle and greet everyone. Louis is first in the booth to record and I sit next to Emily listening to Louis voice go through the speakers. Emily smiles and dances a little and I chuckle at her dances with bugsy.

"So how's you and Mads? I saw your post" niall says with a smirk on his face.

"We're good, still best friends, we haven't discussed being anything more yet, I think we are just seeing how it goes" I look at the ground thinking I look up to Niall and he nods.

"Well she's met you're mum that's gotta be something" Liam says

"Yeah but that's the same as saying you guys have met my mum, you're all important to me too" I say.

"Harry said he loves my mummy" Emily says out of no where and my head along with the other boys whips round to Ems. I look back over to the boys and Liam has a smirk on his face and Niall is smiling.

"We know he does, he's just scared to admit it, even to himself" Niall says looking at Ems then back to me.

"I'm not scared to admit it" I say, maybe I do love Mads, isn't it too early though? We've known each other 6 months.

"Prove it" Louis says walking out of the booth smiling at the situation, he must have heard it. Do I love Mads? I mean yeah she's stunning, funny, intelligent, she is an amazing cook, and she's an amazing mum to Emily. She's amazing all round. Shit..... I love Mads.

"I love mads" I say, my breath comes out a bit shaky when I say it and Liam pats my back. I look at Louis and he smiling so hard. I then remember Emily is in the room and she's smiling a lot hugging bugsy.

"Does that mean you're going to marry my mummy and you'll be my daddy?" Her smile getting bigger.

"I'm not sure princess, maybe in the future" I smile and she leaps off the couch and jumps onto my lap, her arms finding their way round my neck and I wrap mine around her very small figure. I kiss her head and then she says something that makes my heart stop but in a good way.

"I love you Harry I can't wait till I can call you daddy" I don't know if my love for this girl and her mum could get any bigger. They are amazing.

"I love you too princess" I say and she squeezes me one more time before pulling away and going back over to bugsy.

After around 20 minutes it's my turn and I stand up. "Okay princess it's my turn I need you to be good okay and stay out here with the boys and be good for them" she nods and smiles before climbing onto Louis lap. He smiles and holds on to her. I walk off into the booth and start singing.


"Hey Harry" I hear out coming from the hallway. I jump up from the couch and walk into the hallway to greet Mads but Emily beats me too it shouting "mummy". Mads turns and lifts her up. I smile watching them, mads kisses her forehead.
"Did you have fun with Harry today bubs" she says and Emily nods her head furiously and I chuckle.

Mads looks over to me, our eyes meets and I feel the temperature in the room go up by a few degrees. She puts Emily down on the floor and makes her way over to me. I open my arms for her and she slots perfectly in. I wrap my arms around her and kiss her head.

"Hey sunflower, how was you're meeting" I ask and she pulls away slightly. But still stays in my arms.

"It was okay I guess, I'm really tired" she says before closing her eyes and laying her head against my chest. I smile at the action and lay my head on hers. Emily comes running back in and smiles.

"Mummy, Harry can we have Pizza for dinner?" Mads pulls away again to look at Emily and she nods

"Harry is that okay with you?" I nod and Mads fully leaves my arms to go get her phone to order the pizza. After ordering we all go sit on the couch. "Ems baby, don't forget you're going to dads tonight" I must have looked alarmed because Mads looks at me with wide eyes.

"Harry what's wrong?" I shake my head and pull my hands over my face to wipe it quickly. Emily's dad is going to be here while I'm here, this could end up going so wrong.

"Nothing love, just tired" she nods and leans over to run her fingers through the hair on the back of my neck, the feeling of having someone run their fingers through you're hair is indescribable, it feels so good, especially when Mads does it. Her fingers are really small so she has to keep going over the same bits. I'm almost falling asleep and she must have been running her fingers through my hair for a while because I get pulled out of my daze by a knock on the door.

"I'll be back in a second H, you can stay here if you want" I nod and she climbs up and head for the door shouting for Emily to get her bag. It's only just dawned on me that Mads and I will be alone for the rest of the night if I'm allowed to stay which I have done pretty much every night but I wonder the things we are going to get up to.

I grab my phone and scroll through my Twitter, replying to a few people and I give a new tweet:

Harrystyles: choose love - H x

After tweeting I hear Mads phone go off subconsciously I look and I see she has my Twitter notifications on, I chuckle and smile. She is the cutest thing ever I can't wait to call her mine. I realise that Mads has been gone for a while so I get u too see where she is. I go over into the hallway to find she is not there by the door and Emily is gone? This is odd.

"Mads?" I walk into the kitchen and she's still not there. "Madelyn?" I head over to her bedroom but when I hear the soft cry of mads coming from the bathroom. I walk over to the door and her cries. I knock on the door and she stops.

"Yeah?" She says and I can hear her voice breaking. It hurts me to hear her like this, I want to wrap her up and protect her from everything.

"Can I come in?" I try push down the bathroom door handle but she's locked it from the inside, what's happening? She's usually so open and honest with me.  "Sunflower please open the door" I sigh and I hear her breathe shakily as the door unlocks slowly. "Is it okay to come in?" I say and she hums. What i walk in the bathroom to see is something I didn't expect to ever see on anyone, especially her.

Sweetest creatureOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant