Chapter 1

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Today was the day that you're leaving your hometown, the place where you grew up and made memories with people, both good and bad, but you treasure nonetheless.

The day when you found out that you passed the entrance exam, your father was overjoyed, obviously. He contacted his close friends to boast about his smart daughter who passed the strictest and hardest college entrance exam. Mass of congratulatory messages from close friends, relatives, teachers, classmates, and even from people you weren't close to rained down and your phone wouldn't stop ringing from all the notifications. You weren't able to use your phone for thirty minutes because it was lagging.

Your mother's friend found a good and affordable dormitory for you which was only ten minutes away from NeoU. It also had great amenities such as cafeteria, study lounge, convenience store, and separate bathroom and comfort room.

As an only daughter of your parents, they had so much strict rules and advices that you couldn't help but to roll your eyes at. The number one rule you expected was...

"You are not allowed to have a boyfriend until you're 40," your father said in a stern tone which you couldn't help but laugh at since he was never the serious type. He loved to joke around and your mother was on the verge of losing her sanity every time he made fun of serious situations.

"Can I have a girlfriend then?" you asked, jokingly. However, you entertained the thought of having a girlfriend instead. Boys were a pain in the ass and they would ditch you once they found someone who's prettier or sexier than you. Plus they disappoint you.

"Well, that's not bad. At least you won't get pregnant." Your father shrugged his shoulders.

"Less talking, more moving! Put her baggages inside the trunk, I will check once again if all the lights are turned off and no appliances are plugged in. (Name), are you sure you didn't leave anything important?"

"Nope! I'm good!" you replied to your mother who disappeared inside the house. Your father loaded your baggages inside the compartment of the car and you walked away for awhile to observe the familiar surroundings that would only become a vivid memory to you.

You would miss this place, that's for sure. No matter how excited you were to venture in a new and strange city, this town would always and forever be your home.

As you scan around your surroundings, you noticed the tall and ancient cherry blossom tree just standing at the edge of your backyard. It was in its full bloom during spring but every bloom of the cherry blossom tree was short-lived so you had to make the most of it and admire its beauty. Right now, it barely had any leaves left, it looked dull and almost wilting, a sign that it had been through so many seasons.

You walked closer and saw initials engraved on its rough trunk. Leaning closer, you read it as NJM and (your initials). Tracing a finger on the jagged surface, waves of memories filled your brain as you remembered a black-haired little boy you used to play with when you were just five years old. You remembered the sound of his laugh, the way his eyes sparkled whenever you brought him sugar cubes, how his joyful and young face would turn into a frown whenever you're sad.

You remembered him, after a long time of forgetting that he actually existed in your life, not just a figment of your imagination.


"(Name)!" your mother called you. "What are you doing there? We're leaving!"

"Coming!" you responded and jogged back to where your parents were. You stopped and looked back at the cherry blossom tree. The initials were still engraved in that tree that was older than you and your parents, but the person you engraved it with was gone. Disappeared like a ghost with no trace left behind except for his initials on the old tree.

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