1- Runaway Hat (Mario & Cappy)

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It was a peaceful day in the Mushroom Kingdom. No one's in real trouble and there weren't many loud noises going on... if you don't count the almost booming WAHOOs and YEEHAWs coming from the kingdom's most beloved hero Mario taking a morning "walk" alongside his twin brother Luigi with a hop, skip, and a jump.

"You seem-a very ecstatic, Mario," said Luigi.
"Oh yeah," Mario exclaimed, "nothing like-a going on and on doing what I do the most and what I was-a born to do. I just-a can't stop staying still. Now watch-a this, Weegee!"

The moment he finished speaking, Mario jumped up really high onto a brick and then onto another, punching a question-mark block while he was at it and making it spit out coins for Luigi to grab. The brothers were having a lot of fun collecting some mushrooms, flowers, and stars, when suddenly...

"Here's the big-a part, Weegee!" Mario shouted to make sure his brother can hear him clearly, "I'mma gonna jump onto that-a block over there! It's-a pretty far, but count on-a me, okay?" And then, he backed up a bit, then ran as fast as he could and took a leap of fate! But then...


Mario had jumped so high he smacked into... a pole? As he looked up to see if he got some low points from the jump, he instead finds himself staring back at a giant golden balloon.
'Huh. This isn't a usual flagpole. So where did THIS-A come from?' He wondered as he clutched onto it... when he then looked down and saw that the pole was on something... red... but also MOVING IN THE SKY! Mario realized that it wasn't that he ended up on top of Princess Peach's castle (although that would've been nice, since he'd enjoy the view once he was on there); he was on top of Cappy's Odyssey!

Mario then rubbed the back of his head when he found out that he couldn't feel his hat on him. Had he lost his hat while jumping?! In an instant, he panicked; that hat was made by Princess Peach, who knew that Cappy couldn't stay with them for long and was furthermore concerned that Mario would miss having a hat all over again. So she made it with all her love and effort poured into it and gave it to him, only to warn him that it's the last hat he'll be getting, so if it gets destroyed, he won't have anything else even remotely close to his usual cap to wear.

Mario had to think of something to get it back, but first he had to get the Odyssey to stop and land smoothly, so, while grabbing onto the pole still, he located the secret entrance Cappy had shown him before and ground-pounded his way into the ship. Inside, he lands in front of his old hat friend and his little sister, Tiara. Rising up, he startled Cappy, causing him to hide behind the chair he was "sitting" on, with his sister giggling at the sight of the moment.

"Silly Big Brother!" Tiara laughed, "That's just Mr. Mario!"
"Oh..." Cappy said sheepishly, "S-sorry about that. Anyways, what are YOU doing here, Mario?"
"Me?" The red plumber questioned, "I'd like to ask-a YOU two the same thing. A-no offense, though..."

"It's... fine," Cappy said with a confused tone, "Tiara and I were just traveling around the world, y'know, seeing all the pretty sights and stuff... but seriously, what are you doing in the Odyssey?"
"Oh," said Mario, trying to keep his cool, "I-a... kinda bumped into your-a ship and-a might've lost-a my hat..." he took a deep breath, and...
"... and I think it's in-a big trouble." The red plumber quickly finished with a scared tone.

Cappy and Tiara were really confused; they've never seen or heard Mario to be THIS panicky. Buuuuut... Mario DID help them out of even direr stuff several times, so getting his hat back would be an even simpler request to do, right..?
"Well... umm..." said Cappy, trying to not question too much, "how about... I help you..?"
"Okay, but you need to-a land the Odyssey where I can-a catch up to it," said Mario, his talking getting a bit faster at every few words, "Not that I-a know exactly WHERE it-a went, but I have some kind of-a sense of where it'd-a land... and it's-a not gonna be a good spot."

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