Chapter 10 hopes and dreams

Start from the beginning

My dear Frisk,
How are you doing my beloved, I hope you have studied enough to be a very well behaved lady I expect a lot of you when you come out of your school, and I hope you learn how to respect and treat others the way you want to be treated, imma be truthful with you Frisk, but I didn't like it when you responded to me like if you were someone so dignified to do so, but guess what dear I already forgave you, and don't feel down for what you did because I love you very much and you don't know how much I love you.
Also, the dress I gifted you is because I want you to feel pretty and welcome wherever you are even if the place you in feels like, trust me when I was younger I had to go to one of these schools and they didn't treat me that good like they do to you, I also want to tell you how beautiful you are when I think of you I always put a real smile on your face and when I think of you I melt inside like if you were my medicine, oh Frisk how I want to see you, I already miss you, and I miss you a lot, you're the only one who makes my day your smile is the most beautiful in the whole world, I love you and admire you, with all my heart.
                                                         Yours, truly,
                                                                    Sans Gaster
How much could she hope? She was enchanted by Mr. Gaster, he admired her oh how Frisk jumped when she read this, "oh my love I will come for you soon" Frisk said "I will come" Frisk
Frisk then looked at her new dress, it was white color and it sparkled like something she'd never seen before, it was like looking at the future, then she noticed what the dress was for, it was for their wedding, a gorgeous wedding dress, and she was the only one who got to see it,
Megan came into the room "what is that?!" she asked, "oh this, this is my wedding dress isn't it gorgeous?" Frisk said "oh Frisk wow it's so beautiful Frisk you are so lucky to see your dress and he chose the most beautiful dress from the shop, I'm pretty sure it cost him his lifetime," She said, "you think so?" Frisk asked with such a shocked tone, "oh then the father must give him some money so he can pay it". Megan said in a calmer voice than frisks, the tone and color of the room had gone all dark and serious, it was like if an animal were waiting to devour her, all her shame and fears were that animal, "but you know Mr. Gaster will do anything for you, frisk your lucky, you have someone who cares for you that much." Megan said with a saddened face "I wish I had a future husband or a man to worry for me frisk that's why you are lucky,"
"Megan you have someone who worries for you and loves you isn't it Mr. Spade, Megan don't say you're jealous of me, at least a man is waiting for you," Frisk said in a saddened tone "don't worry Megan I know you will have a husband" she smiled at her,
Twin souls, just like Frisk knew and had known for a long time, Megan and her weren't sisters exactly they weren't even related they were just friends, from the beginning to end, Megan was abandoned many tears ago when she was five years old, and frisk at that time was only a baby, since they are five years apart, what a shame, well technically Mr. Gaster and Megan were the same age, wait for no Mr. Gaster is twenty-three years old so out of all of them Mr. Spade was the oldest out of everyone, not even Mr. Gaster could beat Mr. Spade, yes, of course, Frisk knew they were the best of friends, and yes she knew that men handled friendship a bit more differently. Like maybe on the day they are together the drunk alcohol and beer they even used cigarettes in their meetings, Mr. Spade told frisk once that Mr. Gaster was so sick of drinking and taking cigars that he even got a fever, and the stomach bug, Frisk remembered laughing so hard that day that she even tried to imagine Mr. Gaster in the bed all sad and sick with his medicine on the side, when Mr. Gaster gets married to her, she'll make sure there is no alcohol wine, or even cigars in the house none at all, well she supposed Mr. Spade will be very nice to Megan so she already had her hopes up something good will happen, at least she wasn't desperate anymore, Frisk decided to write back to Mr. gaster instead of wonder, of all the things they would do when she'd come back

Dear, Mr. Gaster
How are you? I   hope your alright, I wouldn't like you to be in the military again, I hope I can see you soon I'm already dying here you better rescue me or I will get very sad you didn't, I read your letter and saw my dress, thank you I appreciate it I needed some light in the room I'm living in, I am very surprised that you said you admired me, I hope it's not a lie Mr, Gaster, and what was the beautiful dress for? Could it be for our wedding? I was very confused because you describe it differently. I guess I have never heard a man this serious but tell me really what is it for? I  know I might've  been a very impertinent  lady  when we  first met and yes I know you told my mother what I said to you, I wanted to tell you my apologies to you Mr. Gaster, I also wanted to tell you how much I am fascinated with you and how much I adore you, you are a very handsome gent and very polite  and  generous you thought you still had a chance with me even I behaved like a very imprudent woman, I wanted to write you this letter to tell you that I finally fell for you, I love you and you don't  know how desperate I am to get out of  this school and be able to  do a lot of things with you and be able to embrace you and kiss you just like you did to me

                                                       Yours Truly,
                                                 Frisk Dreemurr
Mr. Gaster read in shock he had never heard Mrs. Frisk say anything about her feeling toward him and she was never this nice to him, he remembered that at the party she was a very imprudent woman, he couldn't honestly forgive him, it felt like she has changed everything about herself since she left to the school, but this made Mr. Gaster more determined to get mMrs. Frisk to be his, he felt like he could jump up high and reach to the clouds, wow, and add to make it better her handwriting was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, "oh frisk I'll come for you" and just like that Mr. Gaster departed.

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