Lifting her head relieved a cut on her lower lip and bruising under her right eye.

Once more agents appeared, a wicked smirk crossed her features as flames ignited in her palms. The sprinklers having little to no effect.

The red pin tumbled to the floor, melting into a small liquefied puddle.

Bringing a foot forward to brace herself, she shot fire from her hands.

Fire flew at the agents, knocking them all backwards with each blast. Fire was throw in every direction. Agonizing screams filled the hidden base under the mountains as she made her escape.

Fire, heat, flames
Screams echoed off the walls
Ash and dust filled the air

I like the way they all

【Location: Avengers Compound】

"So, this Firefly has been running around the globe taking out Hydra bases?" Tony asked as he looked at Nick Fury who gave him a nod.

"And you want us" he gestured to the group of misfits gathered around the conference table
"To bring her in?"

"We have been trying to get her for years but she is always a step ahead, gone in a cloud of smoke" Nick admitted

"You want her as part of the team?" Steve asked, looking between Nick and Tony

"Not exactly" Nick replied with a sigh

"You want us to bring her as a criminal?" Steve raised an eyebrow "They seem on the same side as us?"

"Definitely on the same side, she's taking out Hydra" Sam piped up

"Damn effectively too. 20 bases in the last 5 years" Natasha had an impressed smile as she looked at the information on pad in front of her. 

"That's the problem. She is effective" Nick said as all eyes turned back to him.

"YN has started coming for Shield agents too"


Loud, pulsating music filled the air. Lights danced around the floor and ceiling, painting the venue in various technicolor.

The dancefloor was packed with people, like sardines, everyone in a sweaty, drunken, lust filled clump.

A huge DJ set was situated on a raised platform with flares occasionally going off. Caged dancers hang from the ceiling.

The venue was packed, everyone in masquerade masks, filling each level.

Steve's eyes scanned the dancefloor and bar area as Sam and Bucky stood behind him. Tony, Nat and Clint were on the upper levels. Each in various, elegant masks.

YN was in here somewhere, ready to take her next victim.

۵ ۵ ۵ ۵

"You say come over, baby" YN whispered in the man's ear as she stood between his legs, while he pitched on a bar stool.

She wore an simple but elegant long black dress with a black and gold mask, making her eyes appear more vibrant.

"You think I'm pretty?" She asked, her voice almost a purr. She smirked as she felt him swallow and nod, taking a swig of his beer to cover it.

She trailed kisses along his jawline as she ran her fingers over the buttons of his shirt. His breath hitched as her hand slipped into his shirt, stroking his chest.

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