Before she walks off, I obstruct the way by cutting in front of her and look her in the eye.

"A-Ayanokouji-san, p-please excuse me, we have to go now, we'll really be late"

Sakura again says in a flustered manner, her eyes don't meet mine as she had averted them to the ground as soon as I made eye contact with her. I don't want to make her feel forced or pressure her into anything, but I also don't want to let her go just yet without confirming my suspicions, so I decide to go in between. I move out of her way, but I try to ask her again as gently as possible if she saw anything with Sudou.

"Sakura-san, we really need help for Sudou. Are you really sure that you don't know anything?"

"...I-Im sorry, I didn't see anything. P-please excuse me" Sakura says timidly, her eyes to the ground before leaving without ever looking me in the eye.

"I guess my attempt was fruitless" I mutter to myself before heading to school too

Even if Sakura had answered me here, there were still many more things to factor in. I didn't entirely believe what she had said, so I wanted someone else to ask her for me.

I put in the digits for a certain masochist's number and gave her some instructions. With that, I hope I'll be able to get something out of Sakura.

I make my way to the class and arrive on the nick of time. I see Chabashira-sensei about to walk into class, so I greet and try to make some small talk with her as I walk into the room.

"Good morning, Chabashira-sensei. The wea-"

"Get into the classroom, otherwise I'll shut the door and start without you" Ouch

And with that, our classes continued like usual. I didn't bother to pay attention to class and turn my direction to the window, making an attempt to keep my eyes open. My seatmate on the other hand is diligently making notes, this would be necessary if she wants the idiot trio to ever survive expulsion.

I continue to just scan the usual happenings in the classroom and occasionally flick paper balls at any students who are close to falling asleep. The student probably isn't aware that it was my doing, but they don't seem annoyed so the little reminder of paying attention in class must be welcome. I look over to Kushida this time, we make eye contact for a moment, before she closes her eyes and turns back to the teacher.

Morning classes end and I look over to Kushida who stats to act. She approaches Sakura with enthusiasm, hoping to break down her walls with overwhelming positive energy. This attempt, however, seems to be fruitless as well as it ends up pressuring the overly timid Sakura. Their exchange seem to take a turn for the worse as Sakura tries to leave, but ends up dropping her camera. She gets on her knees and by the look of her reaction, seems to have broken it. I walk over to her to make my move, this time with Kushida who is currently apologizing to Sakura.

"I'm so sorry, Sakura-san, your camera broke because of me"

"N-no, it's alright" As she gets back up however, I put a hand on her shoulder which causes her to shiver a little


"It seems that Kushida is a bit of a klutz, your camera looks like its busted"

"I'm really sorry, Sakura-san, let's go have it fixed. I can pay for the camera if it's not past its warrant date"

Sakura didn't plan to budge any time soon, regardless of my efforts, I'm sure she would just run away from me. But right now, I have back up, and I can pressure her to spill the beans. I'm very sorry for doing this, Sakura, but it is a necessary thing to do for our class.

Genuine(Kushida x Ayanokouji)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ