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I got dressed and Did my makeup, I felt as if I was famous or Better then Everyone for some reason

I walked down and they were ready to go and Kairi kept staring at me

Y: Take a picture it'll last longer

M: No one's looking at yo- oh Kairi for gods sake quit looking she might not like that

K: O-Oh sorry Y/n

Y: It's okay Kai

Kairi looked at me and smiled and ran over to me and gave me a hug, But why?

Y: I don't mean to be rude but why are you hugging me? *giggles*

K: Because you called me by my nickname you gave me


I pulled Kairi into a longer hug and he chuckled, God I missed Kairi. Kairi was the best friend I would hug all the time Alejandro I would too but he's was my best best best best best friend so it's like so totally different and Mattia......We would usually play soccer together or fo work assignments until he got tiktok famous and then the others did too but yk I kinda knew they would come around at some point. I pulled away and smiled

Y: We ready?

Ale: Yep let's go

We walked out and got into Alejandro's ca- WHAT THE FUCK HE HAS A BLUE TESLA. Whatever it's just a Tesla I see them everywhere no big deal. I was about to get in the back until Alejandro grabbed my hand and let Mattia and Kairi get in, I sat in the front with Alejandro. I put my arm on the arm rest and looked out the window until I felt a hand slowly slide onto my and interlocked their fingers with mine. I looked over and Alejandro had both hands on the wheel, Who's holding my Hand? I looked and it was Mattia, He was stretching his arm just to hold my hand how cute. We got to the restarunt and Mattia got out quickly just to come open my door for me, He let out his hand for me and I grabbed it and he helped me out of the car and didn't let go of my hand well he did once so he can interlock his fingers with mine and we walked in

Waitress: Table for two?

Ale: No table for four

Waitress: Oh are they on there way?

Ale: No their right there

Waitress: Oh My I'm so sorry I thought this lovely couple was separate

Y: Oh we're not dating he's my best friend

Waitress: Oh sorry your table is over there

Ale: Thank you

As we were walking two girls came up to Mattia and the boys and smiled and asked for a picture and they said sure. I smiled they are so sweet

Girls: Oh and Can we get a picture with you too?

Y: Me?

Girl: Yesss

Y:O-Oh okay *giggles*

The girls and I got into a whole bunch of poses and took pictures until I had to go and I gave them my number they were so sweet. I sat down next to Alejandro across from Mattia and he looked up and smiled

M: So what do you guys really do at your house.....Alone

Y: Nothing really

Ale: Yeah to be honest she just goes to her room

???: Nope they fuckin

I turned around and some stranger was there

Y: Shut the fuck up we don't even know you stop ear husslin

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