"Iz. Get away from him" I turned to see Harry, Hermione and Ron approaching slowly, wands at the ready. Draco pushed me to the side, holding his hands in the air. "How do we know you're actually Malfoy?" He spat.

Ron pulled me by my arm, dragging me out of arms reach of Draco. "Potter, of course I'm Malfoy" he shook his head, outraged by the accusation. "Ask me anything, go on!"

"What did Moody turn you into?" Asked Ron.

"A ferret" Draco huffed.

"That's far too easy. Where did you kiss Iz for the first time?" Hermione shot.

"Forbidden forest" he sneered back, proudly.

"Too broad.. what colour dress did Iz wear for the ball?" Harry joined in.

"Red." He said without a second thought, smirking at the memory.

"I always wear red. What animal do you say we are?" I teased, deciding to have a little fun with this. His nostrils flared as he stared me down.

"Belle, shut up. It's obviously me" he threw his arms in the air.

"Avoidance of the question, exactly what someone who wasn't Draco would do" I shook my head, revelling in his embarrassment.

"Fine, we're fucking rats. If you're a rat I'm a rat, happy?" He smiled falsely, the others erupted into laughter. "Oh wow. That's bloody pathetic" Ron cried, slapping his knee.

"I've been better" I ran to him, picking up where we'd left off. "Don't touch me Belle, you left me. You left me to the surrender of the death eaters" he pulled away.

I sulked "Draco I'm doing this for us."

"No you're not, you're doing this for yourself. You couldn't give a shit what was happening to me whilst you were gone. You've not even wrote a letter.." he looked torn up, it was clear my absence was eating away at him.

"I couldn't. It was too risky" I sighed, ashamed I hadn't found a way to let him know I was alright. "You were probably far too busy in bed with Fred Weasley."

"Draco, don't be so stupid." I groaned, I knew he'd have been brewing over the thought of me being within a mile radius of Fred. "If I'd had the chance to contact you, I would have. But I haven't."

"Yet here I am, I came to find you" he looked to the floor, stomping the toes of his shoes into the crunchy leaves.

"How did you find us?" Harry asked. Draco pulled an emerald green lighter from his pocket. We all stared blankly, as he offered no explanation. "Is that a deluminator?" Hermione asked, of course she knew.

"Yes, Granger" he pointed it towards her, flicking off the end to produce a steady beam of light. "Why are you all looking at me like that?" He snarled, confusion spread across his face.

"You called her Granger.. not mudblood" I spoke, wide-eyed. "I suppose I did, I'm not sure I'll do it again" he looked me up and down. "What does it do?" I asked, hoping he'd forget his annoyance towards me.

"I'm not sure. Dumbledore left it to me, in his will" he spoke coolly, as though that wasn't strange at all. "You're fucking joking!" Ron gasped, running his hands through his hair "he left something to you? Harry and Hermione I can understand, but fucking Malfoy!"

"I'll try not to be offended" Draco chuckled at Ron's outburst. "I kept hearing your voice babe, after you'd gone. I didn't realise it at first, but it was this little thing, mimicking you."

"I picked it up, flicked off the top, and a ball of light flew right out of the top. I know it sounds silly, you probably all think I'm mad, but it brought me to you. The light, it flew into me, right into my chest. It brought me here" he shrugged, seemingly calmer than when he'd turned up.

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