He can feel her legs twitching where they're thrown over his shoulders, thighs tensing around his neck, and he has to remind her to relax. The vibration of his voice as his tongue pays such insistent attention to her clit makes her squeeze the bedsheets in the hand he isn't pinning down. It's starting to feel like too much too fast, but it feels so good that she can't bear to tell him to stop.

It's only a matter of time before the feeling builds and builds into a wildfire that cannot be contained for much longer. Between that lovely mouth of his and the fingers he slips inside of her, hitting that perfect spot that makes her back arch every time, she doesn't know what to do with herself. He won't let her touch him or do anything other than moan and take it "like a good girl" as he so affectionately put it, so all she can do is watch as he picks her apart.

And what a sight it is to see, Harry, the last person on earth she ever thought would want her like this, with his face buried between her thighs. His hair hangs in his face, but he hasn't a care in the world but her. He doesn't bother to part from her long enough to sweep the curls out of his eyes, and, dear God, those eyes.

Watching him look up at her and hold eye contact with her is what sends her slipping toward the edge. Eyes of green staring up at her with an intense gaze that cuts right to the bone—she has never felt so desired in her life.

The way he looks at her makes her feel so wanted and seen, she could start crying. She thinks she already is tearing up a little, actually, at the overwhelming amount of stimulation, but it's not like she can tell. With everything he's doing, she probably wouldn't notice if the world was ending, she's so distracted from her surroundings except for him.

The grip he has on her body to hold it in place tightens when her climax hits her, pleasure exploding through her in powerful waves that make her muscles all contract and twitch through every blissful second of it. Though she has had an orgasm before, both by her own doing and at the hands of an ex-lover, it's never felt as intense as it does in this moment.

Jo can't even concentrate enough to continue looking at him, letting her head fall back again as he helps her ride it out.

But, after another moment of him slipping his fingers into her and sucking her clit between his lips, she realizes that he isn't stopping and has no intention to soon. She's so sensitive to the touch, she twitches every time he makes contact with her.

Time starts to blend the longer he continues, unrelenting, to overstimulate her long after the comedown from her first climax.

One sensation fades into the next, blending the skilled movements of his tongue and the two fingers he curls inside of her. Somewhere along the way, as she sinks into the sheets and loses herself in the moment, he adds a third and she thinks she might come again. And she does. She comes with his mouth on her once more, calling out his name in a high-pitched whine that he'd probably hate if it were anyone other than her.

In fact, he can't get enough of it, checking in on her now and then with a soft, "Are y'okay, baby?" to which she responds to with a barely intelligible, "Mhmm," sound that lets him know she's fucked out of her mind, but still wants him to keep going.

One orgasm fades into the next, so much so that she soon can't even discern where one ends and the next begins. Instead of stopping again and building back up the peak of euphoria like it did the first time, those powerful shockwaves never seem to end, and she feels the pressure of his hand pinning her arm in place lessen the longer it goes on, abandoning its place to reach up and roll one of her nipples between his thumb and forefinger.

She's only able to handle one more before she needs a break and reaches down with the hand he isn't holding to gently nudge his head up.

"Had enough?" he asks in jest, but she shakes her head.

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