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1st Person POV:

My eyelids hang over my eyes as a sign of my exhaustion, my eyes drifting around, taking in small details of the classroom. The window is slightly open, sending a cool breeze my way. I close my eyes feeling my hair dance slightly in the wind. I exhale slowly, opening my eyes. Everything feels like a blur, soft whispering among the students around me, the chatter of the teacher muffled in the back of my mind.

The aura of the classroom changes, the teacher mustve announced something, I wasn't paying attention. Excited noise comes from the students around me. I look up, seeing a tall boy, around my age standing there, introducing himself as Langa Hasegawa. He has fair skin and light blue hair and eyes. I'd be lying if I said he wasn't attractive.

He walks overto sit next to the redhead that sits in the back, his name is Reki I think. My attention shifts away as I disconnect from reality again. Moments pass, and I hear my name being called by the teacher.

I take my head off my palm and look up. "Kamatsu! Hello? I asked you a question." Shit. "Sorry sir, I-" My breath hitches, this is embarrassing. "Uhm, I wasn't paying attention." I say nervously, clenching my hand slightly, feeling overwhelmed. He simply sighs and goes on with the lesson.

I look down at my table, fiddling with my hands. I feel some people stare at me, before going back to following the lesson. I should probably start focusing. 'My grades would've been better if I actually made myself useful' I curse inwardly. I gather myself and grab my pen, opening my notebook to attempt learning something today.

The sound of the bell fills the school, and people pack their bags around me. Stuffing my notebook in my bag, I struggle to close it. I sigh cursing under my breath forcing it shut and getting up out of my seat. I swing my bag over my shoulder. the classroom is pretty much empty, most of the students have already left to go home. I slouch towards the exit, flinching slightly feeling a hand on my shoulder.

I turn around to face my teacher. "You should really start paying attention, you're failing school. You're wasting your potential" He says. I look up at him, 'what potential' I chuckle in my head. "Yes sir, I'll do better." I say, turning around again, just wanting to get out as quickly as possible. Grabbing my phone, and putting in earbuds, I put on some music.

I hop on my bike and head home, getting lost in the rhythm of the song, thoughtlessly pushing forward. The sound of wheels catches my attention, and I see Reki skating, dissapearing from my sight as he turns a corner. Huh. So he skates.

After several minutes I open the door to my house, plopping my bag on the floor. I head straight to my room and let myself fall into my bed. I sigh, closing my eyes. I turn to my side, grabbing my phone and scrolling through social media mindlessly. It's a great distraction, really.

Hours pass. I should do my homework. Forcing myself out of my bed I look around, seeing my roller skates in the corner of my room. 'Haven't done that in a while' I think, walking over and picking them up. Heading downstairs I plop down on the sofa, slipping the skates on my feet. My fingers nimbly lace them up, tightening them. I get up, taking a second to find my balance. Maybe I should skate around town.


About 20 minutes have passed, and I've definitely left my town. I have no idea where I am, but I'll find my way back I'm sure. I always do, really. I take a deep breath in, absorbing the noise around me. The sound the wheels make on the concrete, the soft chirping from the trees, the soft chatter to be heard around me, the-

I get pulled out of my thoughts as my skate gets stuck and I fall forward, my palms somewhat catching my fall as I slam onto the concrete. Gosh this is so embarrassing. Footsteps near me and warm hands turn me around by my shoulders. I open my eyes to see messy red hair kept up by a bandana, warm eyes piercing into mine. "Are you okay? You took a pretty hard fall there" He says worriedly, scanning my face a bit. My cheeks turn red out of embarrassment and I get up as quickly as possible. "Yea- uhm I just tripped-" I look over to the object my skate got caught on, "over a rock" I look back at him, smiling sheepishly. He let out a relieved breath.

"I didn't know you skate Kamatsu" He says. "Eh yea I've been at it for a while. I see you skateboard?" I ask him, trying to manage the small talk. "Oh yea" He smiles, "it's totally great, you should try sometime". Hm. " Sure" I respond, not really knowing what to say. "I should head back" I say as I quickly get up. "Alright, see you around!" He smiles brightly. I nod and head back, somewhat sulking over the interaction. Why am I so damn awkward all the time?


Back in my room I rush my homework, it had already gotten so late and I'd barely gotten anything done. My hand hurts from pressing down with my pen so hard, scribbling words down on the paper hurriedly. A wave of relief hits me as I finally finish the last assignment. Feeling somewhat accomplished I get in bed, not even bothering to take a shower. Putting off my light I get comfortable and replay the interaction with Reki over and over in my head. 'Huh, I never noticed him before.'

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