Chapter 16. Bullet's and Ballets

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"We have lots to go over. It's gonna be a busy, busy, busy week here. No coming late, no leaving early," Abby orders. "Now Texas. We had all these plans made to go to New Jersey, and then at the last minute, we had to completely flip it. There's a lot of dance companies in this country that would have said, 'Fine. We're not going.' And we didn't do that. We went, some great things happened, and some really bad things happened."

Lexie squeezes Maddie's hand for comfort. It was clear to everyone what Abby meant by 'bad things.'

"Now this week, we're going to Hollywood Vibe right here in Pittsburgh," Abby announces. "I want 100% from every single one of you. Remember, we're in our backyard. You have a target on your back, so do I. The group number is called 'Privates Eyes.'

"I'm gonna arm you with a secret weapon. You're going to be using guns in your routine," the moms' mouth drop at Abby's declaration. "When you step on that stage, I want you to kill it. Understood? You're gonna blow the competition away.

"Now we're going to move on to the pyramid," Abby reaches for the last picture on the bottom row. "Mackenzie, you went from first to worst in one routine. You always have to keep working. Nia, you had a pretty dance. I thought you did well, no problem.

"Kendall, I understand the costume was an issue. Jill, I'm sure you have something to say about it, but I'll tell you what; it doesn't matter what you wore. Ultimately it's your technique, and that's what you need to work on. All right, finishing up the bottom row is...Maddie."

Lexie's eyes widened. She shouldn't be surprised; after all, if anyone else did that, they would be on the bottom, so why should Maddie be any different. But it was jarring seeing Maddie's face at the bottom.

"Maddie, you could have been seriously injured. Get the pout of your face Maddie," Abby chastises. "You know you made that mistake, and that's what you get. So let that be a lesson to everybody don't change your mind in mid-air. Moving on, Chloe. Chloe, it was good, but obviously not good enough.

"Next, I have Brooke. Great performance, and then you forgot the ending. You didn't know what you were doing. You just fizzled out. And next is Lexie. Lexie, you gave an emotional performance that you should be proud of. And on the top of the pyramid... Paige."

Letting out a slight squeal, Lexie rounds on Paige with a hug. It was the other blonde's first time being on top of the pyramid hse she deserved it.

"Paige, your legs were straightened, your feet were pointed, and you went out there, and you won it," Abby compliments her. "Congratulations."

Paige smiles. "Thank you."

"Alright, ladies, the group number everybody will be dancing except Mackenzie. I'm gonna enter a trio. Chloe, Maddie, and... Paige. I'm gonna put you back into the trio because you're on top of the pyramid. Kendall, get the look off your face. I can't take any chances this week. I. Need. To. Win. Chlo-"

"I'm sorry. I-I-I just can't hold it in," Jill interrupts, scowling at Abby. "You can't win with her? She is a winner; she is a platinum dancer."

Abby shrugs carelessly. "I don't see it."

Jill puffs up, letting out an explosive sigh. "Well, you won't see it if you don't put her on the stage. Why don't you give her a duet with Lexie? Let her prove herself."

Me! Lexie's eyes widen. She doesn't think she and Kendall would make good duet partners; they're completely different dancers.

"Jill... Do you really want Kendall to dance with Lexie?" Abby asks carefully. "Do you really want everybody to compare her to Lexie?"

"Yes," Jill nods her head. "She can handle it. Whatever Lexie can do, Kendall can do."

"I think you need to take your blinders off," Abby replies. "The routines are what they are. I'm not adding to them. Now, Chloe, you will be doing a solo. Maddie, you will be doing a solo. Lexie, you will be doing a solo. We're taking three champions that already won at Hollywood Vibe. I'm telling you one of you better win it again. Do you understand?"

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