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" Where is she?" Naruto asked.

" She's at the Room Number 2 just upstairs." Kabuto said.

At the Room Number 2, Naruto visited Izako.

" Izako Yamanaka." Naruto said.

" I would never thought that Naruto Uzumaki of the Leaf would visited me here." Izako said.

" I'm no longer a Leaf shinobi." Naruto said. " I've lost my trust on that pathetic village even though I was framed up and accused for attacking four great nations. This time, I'm no longer sided with any of the five Great Nations."

" That Hidden Leaf Village is a cursed village for letting my parents die in the great ninja war. I have a grudge against the head of the Yamanaka Clan for not being able to save my parents in time." Izako said. " Now I'm now a restless wandering ninja of the Hidden Leaf Village."

" Perhaps there was a rift going on in the actions of the village political sides, not even the feudal lords." Naruto said. " That's probably the reason why I escape from the prison and I still have to wait my time to reshaped this hidden village and become the Sixth Great Nation."

" Yeah. Maybe the government's performance in the Leaf isn't content by the local official since Sasuke Uchiha killed Orochimaru." Izako said.

" Nah, Sasuke is always remained loyal to the Uchiha Clan." Naruto said. " Aren't there any captive ninjas were held as prisoners?"

" Most of the prisoners were already killed by Orochimaru's subordinates." Izako said. " If we can find any survivors."

Later, Naruto and  Izako were heading to the prison camps where some of the bodies of the prisoners were no longer inside of the prison camps. They found one girl in the cell number one. She is a Genin of the Hidden Leaf and goes by name of Imeko Uchiha.

" That's one of the prisoners." Izako said.

" Let's help her." Naruto said.

Imeko turned around and face Naruto and Izako as she activated her sharingan.

" Who are you two?" Imeko said.

Naruto and Izako were surprised that she is a member of the Uchiha Clan.

" Calm down lady." Naruto said. " We're not here to harm you. We came here to rescue you."

" But why are you Hidden Sound ninjas are helping an Uchiha lady like me?" Imeko asked as she deactivated her sharingan.

" How long have you been imprisoned here?" Izako asked.

" For six years now." Imeko said. " My name is Imeko Uchiha."

" I'm Naruto Uzumaki, former Leaf ninja." Naruto said.

" I'm Izako Yamanaka, I'm also a former Leaf ninja." Izako said. " Will you joined us?"

" Of course! But before time, my fellow teammates were also held captive here. Please help them." Imeko said.

" Right." Izako and Naruto said as they unchained Imeko and head out of the cell number one.

As they headed to cell number two, they saw a female red-haired ninja of the Leaf who is 16-years old and she is at the same age as Naruto, Imeko and Izako.

" Look that's Fumin." Imeko said. " Fumin Uzumaki."

" She's an Uzumaki?" Naruto asked.

" Idiot. How could you not aware of this?" Izako said. " Uzumaki Clan are red-haired. They're wind-style and water-style users."

The Legendary Otokage: The Rise of the New Hidden Sound VillageWhere stories live. Discover now