One factime.

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It was a nice afternoon. All was well, just two bestfriends enjoying life. Today Lily and Jube decided that they wanted to talk like they normally do, but Jube did not have that in mind.  

Lily: "Hey Jube!"

Jube: "Hey Lily!"

Lily: "So my mom wondered, if you wanted to go to the beach with me, during spring break?"

Jube: " I personally would say yes but I have to check with my mom."

Lily: "oh ok."

Jube walks with excitement towards her mom, and asks her if she could go to the beach with Lily. Her mom doubts for a second, but concludes to let her go. Jube runs with excitement and anticipation towards the Facetime call. 


Lily and Jube scream of happiness and excitement of what is to come.

Lily: "Omg thats great! Its going to be fun !"

When Lily said that Jube was imagining other stuff in her mind. For a hour Jube and Lily talked about school and about what there awaiting on the trip. After that Jube wanted to show some outfits she wants to wear on the trip.

Jube: "Wanna see some outfits I have planned for the trip?"

Lily: "Sure!"

Jube walks towards her closet with happiness, she grabs a black short sleeve silky shirt, and light waisted jeans with a Gromment black leather belt with holes. She walks towards the Facetime call, and shows Lily the outfit.

Lily: "Thats so cute!"

Jube:"Thanks. Want me to try it on?"

Lily: "Sure!"

Jube places the outfit on her bed, and takes of her shirt infront of Lily. As Jube takes the shirt off, Lily stares at Jube, not knowing what to say or do. She was so intrigued by admiring her body she has no words. At this rate Lily is questioning her sexuality. She likes men but Jubes Slim curves, right sized boobs and flowless body make her doubt. Jubes takes the full shirt off and sees Lily staring at her with such admiration, she feels safe and horny. She takes the other shirt and puts the shirt on slowly and in sexy manor, so she can attracts Lilys eyes towards her body. Lily stares with passion and drools as she watches her flowless body be displayed in a sexy way. She finally gets the shirt on, and realizes its 11:30 pm. She tells Lily she has to go to bed. Lily and Jube say there goodbyes. And end the call.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2021 ⏰

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