𝑯𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒏 𝑫𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆

Start from the beginning


Rebecca entered the dance by herself. She was dressed as Wonder Woman, her favorite super hero. She spotted the boys at the punch table.

She snuck up on them, jumping out and yelling. "Boo!"

All three boys jumped in fright, making the pink haired girl burst out in laughter.

"What the hell, Bex? Are you trying to give us a heart attack?" Demetri questioned, holding his hand to his heart.

"Maybe." She joked. Her eyes scanned their costumes. "Necromancer, skeleton and a plastic surgeon, nice."

Eli looked at Wonder Woman costume, how the skirt was above her knees and her shirt showed more than it should. She had fake cuffs and Wonder Woman boots on.

The only thing that wasn't like Wonder Woman was her pink hair. She didn't want to wear a wig so she left it.

Eli quickly looked away when he realized he was checking her out.

"Wonder Woman, I like it." Miguel grinned at her.

Eli hated to admit, he was getting jealous of Miguel. He wish he was confident like the Latino boy.

"I'm so happy you knew what I was." Demetri laughed. "Miguel thought I was a sorcerer!"

Bex faked gasp. "Oh no, he didn't."

Demetri nodded, thinking she was actually surprised. Bex rolled her eyes at the boy.

She glanced at Eli who was already looking at her. He had a mask covering his mouth. She wished he didn't hide his scar. He didn't need to. He was cute with his scar.

"Here." Eli held out a drink for the girl.

She grinned, taking it. "Thanks, Eli."


"Okay, are we ready?" Miguel asked the boys. "Let's ask the dragon queens to dance."

Bex rolled her eyes yet again as the boys stared at these three girls. She crossed her arms with a frown.

"Slow your roll. We got time." Demetri stated.

Right then, a boy dressed as doctor who asked one of the dragon queens to dance.

"No..." Miguel groaned. "Shit! We just lost one to Doctor Who."

"You guys are such idiots." Rebecca said. She held her hand to Eli. "I'm bored. Dance with me."

She didn't give him an option as she yanked the boy to the dance floor. He threw a panic look at the boys who were also shocked.

"Ten bucks they get together." Miguel smirked.

"You are so on." Demetri chuckled, not believing the two would actually start anything.

Bex wrapped her arms around Eli's neck and he placed his hands on her hips as they swayed to the music.

She smiled up at the awkward boy. "Relax, Eli."

He nodded. "Okay."

"You know..." the girl began. "you don't need that stupid mask. I quite like the scar."

"You do?" Eli asked shocked.

"Of course. You can't let other people think otherwise." She hesitated before pulling his mask down. She grinned. "Now there's my Eli."

Eli blushed. "You look really pretty today."

She laughed. "Compared to any other day?" The boy started to stutter. "I'm just joking."

The two began to get lost in each other's eyes. Rebecca never felt this way before. She felt many things around this shy boy. Like butterflies in her stomach and nervousness when Eli touches her.

Eli quickly stepped back when Bex leaned closer to him. "I have to go to the bathroom."

She frowned, watching him run off to the other boys. Embarrassment coated her cheeks. That was rejection right there.


Rebecca glared over at Yasmine and her group at the video she just sent about Aisha. It wasn't funny.

Sure, Aisha wasn't skinny. But that didn't mean people needed to make fun of her. Bex thought Aisha was beautiful as she was.

Her glare was interrupted when her boys rushed into the room out of breath. But Miguel wasn't with him.

She quickly stood up. "Where's Miguel?"

"Kyler, bathroom." Demetri rasped out.

Rebecca quickly rushed off, ignoring their shouts for her. She ignored the boy's bathroom sign as she burst in.

She heard groans of pain. Kyler and his goons were beating Miguel up.

"Stop!" Bex screamed, opening the gate to them.

Kyler smirked. "Is the freak trying to save Rhea?"

His friends laughed. Rebecca scowled, clinching her hands. She did not like these kids.

So she did something she was taught not to.

She struck first.

She punched Kyler as hard as she could.

Kyler glared at her. "Get her."

Rebecca got into her karate stance , blocking punch's. She kicked one and punched another.

But four boys against one girl wasn't very fair.

Kyler shoved the girl, making her trip over Miguel's unconscious body. She hit her eye on the corner of a bench.

"Let's go!" She heard the boys yell.

Her head was in pain. But it made her happy to know she caused them some pain. They would most likely have bruises.

She slowly sat up, seeing a blonde man walk into the locker room. His eyes widened at the sight of his student and an unfamiliar girl who was bleeding from a cut under her eye. A bruise also was forming around her left eye.

That's when the pink haired girl collapsed and blacked out.


I'm so sorry this wasn't the best chapter. But hopefully the next one will be better.

What more would you like to see happen in this book?

Are you liking Eli and Bex? Also I need a ship name for them, so please give me some ideas.

Thanks for reading.


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