Dan, Marucho, Jenny, Jewls: Gate Card set!

Jewls: Bakugan stand!

She throws her bakugan to her own card as it transforms in Stinglash.

She throws her bakugan to her own card as it transforms in Stinglash

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Marucho: What's up with Stinglash.

Bakupod: Subterra Stinglash. Power lever 290G. No other data available.

Marucho: Ok, our power is of 300G, let's give Preyas a spin.

Preyas : Huh? Is my nap over already?

Marucho: Well, our opponent is Subterra, so we should-

Preyas: Wait, Muchacho. We don't need an ability card. I've got tricks of my own play.

Marucho: So you have a plan?

Preyas: Of cource I do! I plan on winging it.

Marucho: Winging it?! You think it would work?!

Preyas: Like a charm! Just stay back and watch the magic.

Marucho: Okay... Bakugan brawl!

He shoots Preyas towards the same card as Stinglash.

Marucho: Preyas stand!

A pillar of water appears as Preyas comes from it.

A pillar of water appears as Preyas comes from it

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Preyas: Aquos Preyas has arrive!

Dan: Wow, this is straight up cool!

Y/N: He does certainly look strong.

Marucho: Preyas, you sure look awesome!

Preyas: *laughs* Come on kitties, 'cause it's showtime!

He says while doing a pose as it makes them sweatdrop.

Marucho: Maybe I spoke too soon.

Preyas: Okay! Pick a card. Don't show me, I have a surprise!

This makes Jewls laugh.

Jewls: Nice clown! But let's see what he can do on my gate card.

Preyas: Right! We have a volunteer! Now if you excuse me. I'll change...

Preyas started to pose as a light emmited from him. And when the light dissapear Preyas was standing, however, he looked different.

 And when the light dissapear Preyas was standing, however, he looked different

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Preyas: ...into something more comfortable.

Marucho: What?! He changed his atribute to Subterra?!

Dan: Impossible!

Y/N: This is the first time I see or even heard of something like this...

Drago: It is not unheard of, but I've never seen it before. The Preyas species is known for changing it's atribute.

Preyas: Well, that feels better, much better.

Jewels: What happened?! How did it go from Aquos to Subterra?! This clown is some sort of tricky chameleon.

The gate card opened as both bakugan recieved a boost in power, but Preyas was still stronger.

Jenny: How is this possible?!

Preyas charges at Stinglash as with a single attack he defeats Jewls bakugan.

Preyas: Thanks ladies. I couldn't have picked a better card myself. Now if you excuse me.

Preyas then returns to Marucho.

Marucho: Thanks, Preyas. You were great.

Preyas: Great? I was awesome!

Y/N: I must admit, a bakugan with a changing atribute is rather strong.

Jenny: Well, the show is over. Time to battle seriously.

Dan: Bring it on, then!

Dark Brawler(Bakugan x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now