Chapter 9- Jealous?

Start from the beginning

"Okay, draw that tree over there." He said. "I just want to see where you are on the whole art thing you see." He continued. I began sketching lines on the paper as we talked about techiques for shading and such. Once i had finished drawing the willow tree I showed it to him. "Not bad,not bad."

"Let's see yours then." I smiled. He showed me his notebook and he hadn't drawn a tree. He drew me. I blushed and smiled.

"You're amazing at art." I smiled. We spent the rest of the time challenging eachother to draw something and the other had to guess what it was before the drawing was done.

It soon became dark. "Oh lord. I swear we've only been out here for five minutes." I laughed when he pointed out the fact of how dark it was.

"Shall we head back?" He asked. I nodded. I changed back into what I had worn before while he packed up the picnic. We began walking back and chit chatted. It soon became pitch black and it was raining. I realised how cold the rain was quickly. Jack put the basket down and took his jacket off and swooped it over me.

"Oh no its okay. I'm alright." I said.

"Don't be silly. I can see your goose bumps and your shaking. It's okay." He insisted. We walked back to the castle and all of the lights were off. We were both soaked to the bone and tired from the long walk.

"I'll see you soon Tazie." He smiled at me. I smiled back and got inside rather quickly because of the rain which was quickly getting heavier. I opened the door and was greeted by a pacing Leo. Our eyes met and for a split second and all I saw was pure worry which turned into relief and then into anger.

"Leo? It's almost midnight what are you doing up?" I whispered.

"Why the fuck were you out for so long?" He said storming towards me.

"We lost track of time. That's all. We were drawing." I explained.

"Drawing? Sure. Is that what we call getting railed now?" He seethe as he towered over me.

"Jealous are you? Besides I wouldn't. You should know I wouldn't you asshole!" I yelled.

"Go to bed." He said sternly.

"You're not my fucking father. You can't tell me what to do. Even if you were I wouldn't listen to you. You and I both know that." I sneered.

"You may not call me Dad but I can get you calling me Daddy in seconds." He smirked.

"You are fucking infuriating. I'm going to my room." I said as I began to talk away.

"Wait. Taz-" He sighed.

"What do you want? To lecture me?" I said getting more and more annoyed.

"No. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. He didn't try anything right?" He asked quietly walking towards me slowly.

"No. He was sweet." I said softly.

"Sweet enough to marry him?" He said.

"Maybe." I said looking to the floor. I looked up at him momentarily. His eyes were cold. His face dropped and his eyes began getting glassy. "Leo-" 

"No. Don't. Go on then. Marry the guy. Not like I give a shit." He said as he turned away and began walking away.

It was one date. That's all. And I already know I don't want to marry Jack. I wouldn't. I want to be in love with the guy I marry. And I just don't see myself with Jack. 

I walked to my room and opened the door. I flopped on my bed. My eyes welled to the brim with tears. I thought I was stronger than this. Tears streamed down my face. I stood up slowly, wiping the tears from my eyes. I went down the stairs and walked through the cold halls and opened the kitched door. I got the bottles of strong fire whiskey and carried them back upstairs. I sat on my bed and downed one of the bottles. This was probably the most unhealthy way toeal with whats happening but it was all I knew. 

"Thank you father." I said condecendingly to myself. I sat on my bed and played quiet music. Not soon after my vision went blurry and I felt like I was floating. Everything was spinning and I loved it. I began crying softly again, not even realising until I felt a tear fall onto my leg. I realised I wasn't comortable at all and stood up to get changed, Well, tried to. I fell over  and laid on the floor laughing hysterically to myself. I looked to the door and realised it was wide open. "Oh poospickles." I said as I crawled towards the door to close it. I gave up and just laid on the floor. Too drunk to move.


I heard a thud and got worried. I stood up quickly and walked to Tazies room. I saw her door was wide open. I turned to see her, sprawled across the floor laughing. I noticed the empty bottle of fire whiskey. "Oooh look who it isss! leo the motherfunking lion." she said slurring her words.

"How is it that when you get drunk you loose the ability to swear?" I laughed as I helped her up.

"Because LEO, its not pg. You get me? You get me." She giggled as she clung onto me for balance. 

"Oh right right. What were you doing on the floor anyway?" 

"Well basically yeah..." She paused. "I cant remem- OOH I REMEMBER. I was uncomfy so i was gonna get changed but then I fell over and then i relised the door was open and like I was gonna close it yeah but my legs said no. So i gave up." She laughed. Merlin she is so pretty. 

"Right. How about we get you changed then huh?" I asked.

"No legs. Just torso and head. Wait do I have a head? Yes I do." She said checking. I sat her on the bed and got her clothes out of the draws. I heard a thud and turned around to see her faceplanted on the floor. I couldn't help but laugh.

"You are certainly something. Come on, get up." I chuckled and I picked her up and laid her on the bed.

"Youre speckler!" She said with absolute confidence.

"Speckler? Thank you Tazie. Come on get changed." I said handing her her clothes.

"NO your gonna see my bum!" She squeaked.

"Im going to wait outside the door you muppet." I laughed.

"Oh. Mkay." She said. I closed the door behind me and waited patiently. After a while i heard a bit of grunting and then a soft little whine. "Leooooooo." She whined.

"Yeah what?" I said through the door.

"Help." She said laughing. I opened the door and shed gotten her arms and head stuck in her shirt. "I stuck." She laughed almost falling over.

"Oh come here you fool." I laughed. She waddled over to me and I put the big shirt she was trying to put on, over her head. "Better?" I said.

"Mhm." She answered as she chucked all of her clothes off of the bed and flopped down. i went to leave and heard another soft whimper. "Leooooooo." She said. I sighed and turned around.

"Yes Taz?" I asked.

"Come lay with me please. I dont like sleeping alone." She said. I sighed. I closed the door behind me and sat next to her. She, with no hesitation climbed on top of me and rested her head on my chest. Which cant have been comfortable as I saw sitting up. She looked like she was doing the upward dog. I shuffled myself to lay down and she promply curled herself up into a little ball, holding my arm like a pillow and fell asleep. Her breath becoming slower and shallower. I would never get over how beautiful she was. In any state. Drunk, high, sober, tired, crying. She was perfect in every way imaginable.

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