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The sound of the waves lulled me as I was getting lost, stranger in my own thoughts. New ideas crashed into my brain. A sense of pure loneliness. The sea on a side, an ocean of thoughts on the other one... I was sitting alone by the shore. Some men repudiate being alone, they surround themselves with people, many blank mannequin faces. They ignore the discoveries you can only make when you are on you own.
In the tranquillity of solitude you can get to know the person most unknown to you: yourself.
It was this strange encounter that broke my loneliness on the shore.
Like a shadow, it approached me, took a seat in front of me...It wanted to reason...

I felt uncomfortable, the picture my eyes were lying on was so gloom... a single black spot in a colourful landscape.
It was like a stain ruining the painter's masterpiece.
How was it possible that there was so much darkness in me?

In other times I would have enjoyed the shimmering sea, yet that day I could see the emptiness in the eyes of the one who was facing me.

The strange creature was silent for several minutes when it started questioning me...

By the shoreWhere stories live. Discover now