8} We'll make this work

Start from the beginning

"Ugh, nothing really." Even though inside it feels like the world stopped.

"Jessica, come on. You can tell me anything, I'm listening." She comforts and hands me one oatmeal cookie.

I smile and take the cookie, "Its just-ugh. It turns out me and Louis have to keep our relationship a secret. It's-"

"What? What the fuck, why?" She freaks and angrily munches on her cookie.

"No, it's fine really. I-I'm just overreacting about this." I wipe my tears, "The management likes the idea of 'Elounor' better and didn't want it to end. So, they disagreed about Louis and I."

She gives me a look saying, This is fucked up but I keep on explaining.

"On the plus side, me and Lou can still date, we just have to keep it a secret." I say and try to make it seem like this isn't a big deal.

"Why does the management get to choose?" Skylar says, completely pissed off at them.

"Louis is famous. They have the power choose what makes Louis look good for the press, no matter what we say. As long as it makes their fans happy, that's all that matters."

She scoffs, "They're stupid."

I laugh, "Yea, but there's nothing we could do about it."


Out of everything that happened this week, there's always one thing that cheers me up: frozen yogurt. All of the sweet flavors poured into one and combined together. Even though they all have complete different tastes, they go together perfectly. With the endless toppings drizzled on it, it's mouthwatering. I could live on frozen yogurt for the rest of my life and I wouldn't complain.

I'm not the only one who's going topping-crazy, Niall is right beside me while piling mini M&M's onto his. At the end of the line, I'm staring down at my delicious creation and can't wait to dig in. 40% of my treat is fro-yo and 60% of it is toppings, I love it.

Skylar found a table for us in the corner and we all take a seat. We decided to have a little get-together just for fun, with Sky, Louis, Niall and me. Who could say no to fro-yo?

"So, where are your other bandmates? Aren't there five of you?" Skylar asks and pulls out a gummy worm from her yogurt.

"There is, but only Lou and I are here in Doncaster. The other three are somewhere else... I bet Harry is in LA right now." Niall answers but is mainly focused on his food.

"Damn, I wanna be famous." Skylar says under her breath.

It's been two days ago, but Skylar is still worked up about the relationship thing. At first, she blamed Louis for all this but then she realized it wasn't his choice, hell he didn't even have a choice.

Niall sneaks a bite out of Louis' toppings. Before Louis could stop him, Niall pulled his hand back with a big spoonful and smiles with victory.

"Hey! You already have enough, lad." Louis protests.

"I forgot to get the Oreo crumbles." Niall says innocently.

I laugh at their little feud, one of the many things I love about these boys is that they haven't lost they're childhood personality.

Suddenly, three girls, a couple years younger than us, come squealing and walking over to our table. They have a paper and pen in one hand while the other holds a phone ready for a picture.

"Are you Niall Horan?!" One of them shriek.

"Yes I am, girls." He says with his thick Irish accent and stands up.

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