Yashiro buried her face on her desk.

"Y-Yashiro Nene. My name's Yashiro Nene." Yashiro whispers.

"Great! You can call me Amane. And I'll call you Nene." he says with a grin.

That was loud enough for all the people in the classroom to hear.

'Yugi-kun's talking to Yashiro.' Started the whispers.

'Not just that! He's telling her to call him by his first name, and he's calling her by her first name, too.' whispered the others.

'Does he like her?'
'Are they dating?'
'Since when were they friends?'
'Are they siblings? No... They look different.'

Now, Yashiro was a nervous wreck.

"A... Aren't you ashamed of the whispering?" Yashiro asks Amane, then he looks around.

"They're just whispers." Amane responds bluntly.

Yashiro was taken aback by his answer. No one has ever wanted to talk to her before, and if someone did and heard the whispers, they'd back out immediately, and and even if she did make a friend, its either they forget about her or use her.

"Nene-san?" Amane calls out

"Ah... Sorry, Yugi-kun. I was spacing out-"

"Amane-kun. Didn't I say you could call me by my first name?" Amane interupts Yashiro.

"Oh, right. I'm sorry, Amane-kun."

Yashiro has never called anyone by their first name before, so she was embarrassed and started to blush.

"There we go!" Amane giggles.

"Let's have lunch together, okay? I'll wait for you on the roof." Amane offers.

"E-Eh?! Why so soon?" Yashiro asks nervously.

"We're friends now, aren't we?" Amane asks Yashiro.

"Oh. Yeah I forgot. Let's be friends, Nene-san" Amane asks immediately.

Yashiro starts to hesitate.

"How am I sure you won't use or forget about me...?" Yashiro turns back at the window.

Amane then pulls her head to make her look at him

Now the whispers were getting intense.

'Yugi touched her!'

"You'll see~" Amane tells Yashiro playfully.

Yashiro was now confused.

"O-Okay, Yu- Amane-kun."

And that was the day Yashiro made her very first true friend.


Yashiro went to the roof, just like Amane told her too.

'What if he was just playing me? Or pranking me? Maybe he won't show up.. ' Yashiro thought to herself

No. He'll be there. Just you see Yashiro.

Yashiro made her way to the stairs leading towards the roof, just to be greeted by three girls. The girls who confronted her earlier.

"Where's our money? Daikon freak?" they confronted Yashiro again.

"I said I don't have your money. Didn't I mention that earlier? Now, let me pass." Yashiro tried her best to show them she wasn't scared, even though she was really scared of what they'll do to her.

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