Part 2

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Creeds laugh echoed throughout the small dark room reverberating in Gambits ears. "I can certainly see why they call you the ragin'cajun" Creed walked slowley and purposefully towards the bound gambit the little light that there was reflecting of his deep golden beard. "Who is this were talking about Remy" he asked reaching forward and running his nail over the card players cheek. At first Remy thought nothing had Happened but then suddenly a deep gash opened and blood spilled out of the wound. Creed laughed again...he was enjoying this. "Victor" Gambit called out his voice barely above a whisper "Im going to ask you once to let me go and show me where She is and u might let you live" Victor laughed again. A mean harsh laugh filled with hate


'Good' Remy thought 'let him be distracted' unknown to sabretooth Remy was using one of the many skills he had learned growing up right here in Louisiana. Keep the enemy distracted from your real goal. With victor laughing at his threats he wouldn't notice that gambit was using what little strength he had left to heat up the molecules in the rope....any second now.....a soft puff, sound barely visible audible over the sound of victors laugh, signalled the ropes round his wrist catching fire. Gambit smiled this was going to be fun...

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