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you go out of the office and to the club room. you knock on the door. you open it and you see..
you see guys surround a guy with pink hair with a vibrator moaning. you shut the door as fast as you can and sigh. " what did i just witness.." you mumbled. the door opens and you see a guy with yellow hair. "are you the new member?" he asks happily."i-i think i've gone to the wrong club."you said. " nope this is the photographers club!"he said while smiling. "no wait-"you said but he pulled you inside the club room."ugh!" "welcome to yarichin bitch club!" you see other boys around the yellow haired boy."hm?"you hummed. you're eyes widened. "yaribu?.."you thought." let me introduce myself. i'm Akemi Keichii." he said. " this is my lovely boyfreind Koshiro Itome."he pointed at a boy with dirty blonde hair."that is Itsuki Shikatani." he pointed at a boy with purple hair."thats Tamura Fukushima." he showed me a boy with blue hair. the blue haired boy smirked. you blush a little. "that's vice president Yuri Ayato." he showed me a boy with pink hair and glasses, he was listening to some music. "well what's your name?" Akemi asked. " i'm y/n but.. what were you doing before?-" you asked but the door opened. a boy with brown hair. " is this photography club?" he asked. " welcome to yarichin bitch club!" all of them said to him. "yarichin?"he mumbled. Akemi introduces all of the members. "well that's about it." Akemi said. "what do we do in this club?" Toonu asked the brown hair boy."Tamura tell them."Akemi said."Well in this club we do SEX." he said. "SEX?!? BUT I'M A VIRGIN!!"Toonu yelled. "i-i'm a virgin too.." you said." listen virgins. if you don't have sex with anyone in a month you will get gang banged."Tamura said while smirking."BUT THATS ILLEGAL WHAT IF THE TEACHERS FIND OUT??!" Toonu said."Most of the teachers are our customers." Tamura said. "y/nn boobs squish squish!" Yuri said. he squished your boobs."YURI YOU PERVERT!"you yelled while blushing. you're face was red as a tomato."YAH!" you screamed.
Time skip to when you go to dorms.
you sighed. "finally away from hell.."you said. you go to your dorm and unlock the door. "yay! finally home!" you said while walking to the bathroom. you took a warm bath and put on your pjs. you sighed and went to bed.
welp i might continue today. welp that was easy.
words : 437

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