The Debut

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Chapter.2 🌸

It was cold when I awoke.
I blinked a couple times before being fully awake.
The floor was hard and my blankets were gone.

I looked around and immediately noticed that I wasn't in my small apartment anymore, as I looked around there wasn't anything else in the room and there was only a small window up to my left letting the moon light shine through, meaning that it was still night.

"Where am I...?" I asked myself not expecting a response.
I slowly got up but something shackled which startled me,
I didn't notice it before but my ankle was tied in a metal chain attached to the ground, the chain was a bit heavy and it was long enough for me to walk around the room.

I noticed there was two doors, one to my right which I walked over to and opened it, it was a small bathroom with a toilet, sink and small bathtub, and two white yellowish towels.
I exited out the room and closed the door. I looked the the other door that was now to my left, the anxiety in me was getting worse.

Was I kidnapped?
Oh my god...
I held my hand to my mouth to come with a horrible realization.
It was them.
I really did piss them off.

I tighten the hold to the doorknob and turned it.

I let out a long sigh but it wasn't calming my anxiety if anything it was getting worse, I began to breathe heavily and my heart started to beat fast and it was getting harder to breathe.

"Oh God No... No no no... No..." I said repeatedly and my tears were rolling down my cheeks, I started to get so scared.
What are they going to do to me.
I began to cry uncontrollably as I laid on the floor curled up in a fetal position crying in the dark cold empty room.

I must have fallen asleep because when I awoke it was day time, since the room was a bit more lighter but it was still a bit dark, as I yawned I jerked to the sound of a door being unlocked. I panicked and shuffled to the corner of the room trembling and whimpering.

Six men came in, they were dressed in hoodies, and black pants or jeans.
They were wearing masks, except for one.

One wore a black bandanna with some white outlines of some buildings and LA on it and at the top and it read Charles P. Scene, ok I know that's probably not his real name probably the brand name or something but he wore some dark shades and a black LA hat.

The guy next to him was wearing some sort of a captains hat and was wearing a blue mask on its right side of the mask was a black print of a butterfly going down, and on his left side of the mask underneath the eye had a white 3, I also noticed he has a tattoo of the number 3 on his neck.

The next guy was wearing a white mask, he has really curly black hair, but he scares me the most, was that it only had two black holes for the eyes and two smaller holes for the nostrils and outline of the lips were visible on the mask, he was wearing a black leather jacket with dark blue jeans and black converse.

The next one looked more intimidating then the other one, since on his hockey mask were the eyes are were red but they dripped out red paint making it look like blood and he has a dollar bill glued to where the mouth should be, he was wearing a black hat and a dark grey hoodie with his hood up, he continued to look at me up and down so I moved on to the next one.

This one was tall but he seemed to be the same size as the one with the 3 tattoo, he wears a black mask on his right side underneath the mask was 3 dots formed in the shape of a triangle and on his left side were the letters FM but the cravings were in gold, well not in real gold of course.
He wears a black shirt with some green letters but his black hoodie was in the way.

And lastly this guy was skinner than the others and he has black sleeveless shirt on and he has two tattoo sleeves, he wears a red baseball cap and the mask its grey, the eyes had a faint shading of blue underneath the eyes, he also had pink duct tape covering his mouth, he was wearing black jeans and black vans.

I didn't say anything, I didn't have the courage.

"Hey."The one with the dollar mask said but I didn't respond.

"You should know why you're here eh?" He said.
"I-I'm sorry." I whispered it but it was hardly heard.

"You broke our window with a rock.
Why?" The white masked man asked.

"I... I didn't mean to break your window, I was trying to defend myself." I said hugging myself tighter.

"From who sweetie?" The grey masked one asked.
"From these two perverts, please I didn't mean to, I promise I'll pay for it so please let me go." I said shutting my eyes tightly.

It got silent, what are they thinking?
What's going to happen to me?
Are they going to use me and kill me?
Or keep me as a slave to satisfy their disgusting needs?
Or just simply kill me, if so I choose that one, I would rather die than to be a slave for these crazy masked men.

"Its ok."
I opened my eyes and flinched a bit when I saw how close the grey masked man got really close.
"You don't seem like a bad person, so you didn't mean to break our window right?"He said
I nodded fast, maybe there was still hope.

"Is that what you expected me to say?" He said.

"This is fucking L.A baby! this is the real world.
Did you expect to walk away or run away like a coward with no consequences?
Well you're death wrong, sweetie." He said
My eyes were wide.
I was wrong... There really was no hope!They really are bad people...

"You said you wanted to pay for the window right? Well you're definitely going to pay for it alright, right guys?" Grey masked man gestured towards the other guys, which they all nodded and chuckled in agreement.

"H-how much?" I asked.
Alright, maybe they just want money. If it's money they want, I'll give it to them no matter what! I just want to get away from them.

"Oh you're not going to pay with money, thats too easy and no fun." He whispered in my ear and I flinched back.

"T-then-?" What? They don't money??? What do they want?

"You're going to pay with your body." He said.

End of chapter.2

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