Chapter 1

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The teacher with the weird glasses put me in a strange room. He asked me "What's your last name sweetie?" I turn to him "Kennish,and my dad is home." I looked to my left and a young boy my age was sitting next to me. I drove my attention to what he was doing. I pointed to his hands, "what happened to your finger? " He looked at me with his big blue eyes. "My cat scratched me. " I looked away and back at him. "Oh,does it hurt? " "Yeah,but my mommy put medicine on it to make it better. " I grabbed his hands and told him, "My Daddy said when I get ouchies to close my eyes, and pretend I'm in a happy place. " The boy with the big blue eyes closed his eyes. "Well? Where is your happy place? " I said in a cheery voice. "At the park with my daddy again, pushing me on the swings and making silly faces. " I let go of his hands,"Like this? " and I made the most goofiest funny face in the world. The little boy smiled and laughed with me. The weird teacher said "No one is picking up their phone. " "Are you sure your dads home sweetie?" I stood up and got closer to the teacher. "Yes sir my dad stays home everyday." The teacher makes his point, "Well I can't send either one of you to class until your parents show up. " I sit back down next to the boy. "I guess we're stuck here." He looked at me and said "I guess we are! " And we smiled at each other,"Promise me you'll never leave me? " The boy got closer to my face. I sat there in silence for a second to think about it. "I promise promise promise" He pointed his pinky finger out and made me pinky swear. And from that day on, we became best friends forever.

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