
"Saint... I think we have to let go some people in the next few months... We cannot afford to run Saint Security like this." Pavel studied the figures on his computer.
"I can't let anyone go Pavel. That is out of the question."
"Pay cut... We inform them about it but I will not let them down by firing them." Saint told Pavel.
"Please Pavel... You are my family and these people are my family too... I cannot disappoint them."
"You're not Saint but we are not going to survive the next 6 months like this... Not unless we get more clients and contracts."
"Fuck it!" Saint slammed the table with the files in his hand.
"Calm down Saint..."
"I can't even protect people that matter the most to me..." Saint sighed.
"Saint... You have tried your very best and I can personally attest to that... But you and I know that going against General Udomkaewkanjana is never ever easy."
"He's winning Pavel... Whatever that he is doing... Is ruining Saint Security and the people working in it."
"Not even some of Zee's friends could cover the lost we have... These people depend on me..."
"Saint... You're no longer in the military... This is also a business..."
"I'm a failure..."
"You are NOT a failure Saint! There must be something that we can do." Pavel tried convincing him.
"Maybe... Maybe... I can go to my father... Ask him to stop jeopardising Saint Security..." Saint shared.
"And then what Saint?"
"You know your father will not stop unless you are in his home betting ready to follow everything that he wants!" Pavel asserted.
"To save what's left of Saint Security and its employees..."
"You are CRAZY!"
"I am not Pavel!"
"Don't make yourself the martyr Saint." Pavel insisted.
"There must be a way." He told Saint.
"He always gets what he wants..." Saint whispered.
"That is not how things work and you know it. He can't force you Saint..."
"He has done it before Pavel... You know that..."
"That was years ago... You are not the same person when you were younger." Pavel smiled at his friend.
"Pavel... What am I supposed to do?"
"Work harder... Smarter... Do not give up and do not give in..." Pavel told him.
"I must protect our family Pavel."
"I know Saint and I am here to help you."
"Now... How many new potential clients do we have?" Saint asked Pavel.
"This week... None... But Zee did inform me that he might have one potential client but he hasn't given us any details." Pavel explained while Saint nodded.
"Next, we have to make the schedule for next month."
"Let's..." Pavel replied.

    Saint and Pavel started working on their scheduling until lunch arrived. Pavel left Saint's office and Saint rode the elevator to his apartment. When the door to the elevator opened, he was surprised to see Zee standing there.

"Hey Baby!"
"Hi Saint. I was about to call you."
"Why didn't you tell me that you're here?" Saint asked and hugged his boyfriend.
"I missed you..." He murmured into Zee's neck.
"You were working and having a meeting... So I didn't want to disturb you." Zee said.
"Have you eaten? I brought lunch for you."
"My handsome wife." Saint teased and laughed when Zee punched his arm.
"Ha... Ha... Ha... Very funny..." Zee muttered.
"I'm so hungry Zee."
"Let's eat."

    They sat at the dining table and Saint smiled staring at the dishes Zee brought.

"These are my favourite... But Zee... You don't eat some of them... Why did you buy them then Baby?"
"Cause I am a handsome and considerate husband?" Zee grinned while Saint laughed.
"Saint... You look... Tired..."
"I'm actually great... Cause now you are here Zee."
"Hah... Don't sweet talk yourself out of this!"
"Let's eat..." Saint insisted and Zee slowly smiled.
"Okay Babe..." Zee replied.
"Here..." He put a few pieces of pork on Saint's plate.
"My favourite. Thanks Zee." Saint said and began eating.
"Yummmm..." Saint smiled happily.
"Oh... Pavel said something about you and a new client for us?" He asked Zee.
"Yeah... That..." Zee smiled.
"Who's the client?"
"A surprise Saint." Zee grinned.
"Oh come on Zee... Just tell me..."
"I don't want to jinx it Saint."
"Here's some mushrooms..." Zee put some mushrooms on his plate.
"Zee Baby..."
"Eat Saint... You are a busy man."
"And you are not?"
"Not today..."
"I thought you have a commercial shoot today? You told me last week." Saint asserted.
"Oh... They cancelled the shoot."
"Cancelled? I thought you and the company have a contract signed?"
"Yeah... But they cancelled the shoot."
"Alright..." Saint said and thought for a while.
"Do you like the mushrooms?" Zee asked him.
"They are prefect." Saint smiled.
"Where did you get these dishes?" He questioned him.
"Secret... Have some more..."
"Yeah?" Zee answered.
"Don't distract me with mushrooms." Saint smiled at Zee.

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