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While Crizz looked at the stars from the Plevuris village, a young boy named Wurtz Etternick was locked in his room by his parents....He too was having a craze on stars and nightsky.

He lived in the city of Etternia ,near the Plevuris village.
His parents was too busy with their jobs and they made Wurtzz busy with his studies.
He was a brilliant boy. But he took only short time to complete his homeworks and studies. But this made his parents angry!!  They thought that he is not studying anything, even after his teachers told them that, he is perfect in his academics.

His hobby was..........
I think you may guess it!!!
Yes,you are right if you though that, it is looking at the night sky.!!
But wait! Here, for a change,he is having so many equipments which would help him to understand more about the sky.....His favourite one was his telescope.. After completing all his works,he used to run to the top of the house were the telescope is kept; but whenever he reach down the stairs, his dad will be there in the sofa , with a magazine in his hands ..
He never look him or not even raise his head a little bit but, he always ask..."Wurtzz...!!! Have you completed your homeworks???, If you had,then without wasting any time,go and do some extra works!!!!"
So what Wurtzz do then is ,he just go to the garden area of his house.
The door to the garden area was near to his room but,here no one will be there to restrict him from entering to the garden....Instead ,there is one guy who wait for Wurtzz....It is his dear
Puddy ,his cute pet dog.

After reaching in the garden area ,
Wurtzz use a small device created by himself to look at the sky.
He look to the night sky by lying on the green loan . His Puddy too do the same.

 His Puddy too do the same

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Poor Wurtzz.. He is having all the necessary equipments that he need but still he, can't enjoy the beauty of the night sky.
From here...the story of these little kids starts......

when the BLINKING EYES looks at the TWINKLING STARS.....Where stories live. Discover now