Chapter 8: Monster / Part 1:

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"Mike... I dunno... something feels off man." Chris says.

I look at him purely confused.

"Are you serious?"

"I mean I just... I cant see him wanting to hurt her."

"It wasn't just her Chris! It was Y/n, you, Ashley. He hurt Ashley. I bet you never thought in a million years he would hurt her."

Chris has a reluctant look on his face.

"Chris. I saw what he did to Jess with my own eyes. This... This..." I say, looking down to my bloodied tank. "This is her blood. He tied up Y/n, gassed Sam, had saws lowering on your heads. Calls that a joke. Says we can't take a joke."

"Come on Chris. Cant we all just get along?" Josh says.

"You really just need to stop man." Chris says, setting the stool up under Josh.

"Now that's mean. I don't even know what you mean. I have nothing to regret." Josh says.

A wave of shock and heartbreak hits me. I never considered Josh a best friend, but I considered him a friend. And for him to say he doesn't regret doing everything he did to us. That's a new low.

"Oh my god..." Chis says.

"I made you believe in the world I created and showed you the parts of yourself you were too afraid to visit." Josh says.

"Was that the point? Huh? Just to show us something you think is rational?" I ask.

"Michael-" Josh starts.

"No, how was killing Jess supposed to do that?!" I say, shoving him down on the stool in front of the beam.

Chris wraps the rope around his chest and arms, keeping them secured. He hands me the other end of the rope and we start tying.

"Okay, now your tying me up... okay okay." Josh says, moving around loopily.

"Stop moving." 

"Ooh, cant tie them up if they cant stay still huh?" Josh says.

"Leave me some wiggle room, I wanna wiggle around."

Josh starts wiggling around exaggeratedly. Acting like he's drunk or something.

"Just stop moving!" I say, pulling the rope tight.

"Ow! Not that tight! God! Plastic ties. That's what to use." Josh says, rambling the last part.

"What... the hell is he talking about." Chris says.

I think back to when he would have used plastic ties and remember cutting the zip ties off of Y/n.

"How he tied Y/n up..." I say to Chris.

"Plastic ties, zip zip. Way more effective for hostage type scenarios." Josh rambles.

"Jesus..." Chris says lowly.

"Iv'e never seen him like this..." I respond.

Chris finishes tying the rope  on his end and I finish mine.

"Everyone is so stupid. Stupid. Stupid.... Chris and Ash, Chris is and ass, Ashley's a dumb dumb..."

"The hell did you just say?" Chris asks.

"I said you're a dummy, dummy."

The look on Josh's face changes completely.

"Oh Ashley, I never imagined in my wildest dreams that you would like me..." Josh teases.

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