"This is Y/n, As I've stated before, They're new. Only been around for a few days." Puffy explains, before motioning to the people Y/n had never met before. "This is Jack Manifold, Charlie, and Foolish." Charlie waves with a small smile whilst Foolish does the same, Jack doesn't really react simply shaking his head.

"You don't seem crazy? What compelled you to stay? Cause no sane person would." Jack questions. Ranboo stepping in between the two groups.

"C'mon Jack, Puffy said they were shy." The bi-colored teenager scolds, causing a small scoff to leave Jack, but the boy doesn't speak again. Y/n turns to Foolish, waving with a smile.

"Hello!" The teen greets the new faces, Tubbo taking to their other side with a skittish grin.

"Hi!" Foolish returns the greet with just as much enthusiasm causing Puffy to laugh.

"Well, I'm glad everyones getting along!" Puffy cheers, smiling widely. "Tubbo, I hate to ask but, Would you be willing to give Y/n a tour?" The hybrid asks, turning to face the goat boy. Tubbo looks surprised for a moment but quickly nods his head.

"Better Y/n than Technoblade, he stared at me the whole time." Tubbo recites with a slight shudder. They must really be afraid of the man, but doesn't Ranboo live with them? Tubbo grabs Y/n free hand, and then grabs Ranboo's, "C'mon, this way to the Nukes!"

"Tubbo!" Jack yells, trailing after the group "You're not supposed to tell anyone about those!" The boy continues to yell, Puffy chuckling as she watches them walk away.


A pair of hands slam down onto a Cyan glass table, the red-headed woman glaring through the glass with her fists clenched.

"My lady, please-" A elderly man to her side attempts to reason, but the woman simply turns her ferocious gaze to him causing the man to halt his words. Across from the woman is a familiar honey-blonde, eyes focused on her with sorrow filling them.

"So he's invaded?" The woman questions, Seraph shaking her head.

"Not entirely, My Lady. His essence was here along with the Empyrean, but neither were here Physically." Seraph explains, clasping her hands in front of her. The red-head gets to her feet, green dress dragging against the floor as she paces the room.

"And there is still no sign of Steve?" Seraph nods and the woman lets out a furious yell, spinning around and punching the quartz walls behind her, chipping the stoney substance. Both Seraph and the man take a step back, looking on in shock. The woman huffs, stepping back, red blood dripping from her knuckles.

"Look at me..." the woman trails off, clenching her now bloody fist. "A woman scorned." It's silent aside from the sounds of animals chirping outside. "Seraph. You are dismissed." The honey blonde woman nods, quickly turning on her heel and exiting the room, a stricken look crossing her face as she quickly rushes over to a balcony, taking to the skies. Seraph doesn't stop until she reaches a stone building, quickly rushing inside past other persons with mechanical wings. Seraph strides through the halls quickly reaching another door before plopping down on her bed inside the room, a sigh leaving her lips.

"This is so fucked."


"And here we are, back where we started." Tubbo cheers, spinning around to face his tour group. Jack had trailed behind them the whole trip, making comments about certain things and scolding Tubbo when he lets a 'secret' slip. The only one that seemed to be bothered by his presence was Tommy, the blonde making snide remarks back to everything he said, almost always causing an argument. The teens still had their hands locked in a chain, the blonde still a little shaken from his encounter with his former family members. Y/n was a little upset they just ignored him but maybe that was for the best, they wouldn't want to know what might have happened if they did say anything to him.

"What now?" Y/n questions, tilting their head at Tubbo.

"Uh...I don't know, I usually just build and gather supplies." The goat boy explains, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Puffy said we could play in the snow. I've never done that before." Y/n say, finally breaking their hand away from Tommy before reaching to the group, gathering some snow in their hands as Jack lets out a scoff from behind them.

"You've never been in Snow Before? What, did you come from the desert?"

"Oh shut up Manifold Why do you care?" Tommy bites back with a glare, Jack glaring back with the same amount of venom.

"Why- you- It's just a question!" Jack argues, Y/n standing up with a small ball of snow in their hand, grinning at Tubbo and Ranboo who are standing side by side, watching the little spout go down. "I can't ask questions now?!"

"You were being a dick about it!" Tommy yelled back, pointing in Jack's face.

"Oh Hell no! You can't lecture me about being a dick when you're a dick to everyone!" Y/n moves to stand beside Ranboo, raising a brow at the two other boys arguing.

"Guys, can this wait?" Ranboo speaks up, but his words are drowned out by the two yelling at each other, Tommy trying to defend himself.

"That's just not True and you know it! I've helped you so many times-"

"Yet you still manage to ruin everything! Like alwa-" Jack is cut off, stumbling a bit as he wipes snow from his face, glaring up at Tommy only for the blonde to look just as surprised. Y/n burst into laughter, Tubbo and Ranboo following behind. "Oi, That was uncalled for." Jack complains cleaning the snow from his glasses as Tommy also starts laughing. Jack grabs a handful of snow from the ground, quickly shoving it over Tommy's head before sprinting behind Ranboo and Y/n, the shorter of the two quickly sprinting away as Tommy quickly forms a snowball, yeeting it in Jack's direction and colliding with the boy's tribrid meat shield.

"Oh...Sorry, Ranboo." Tommy trails off before the bi-colored teen teleports behind him, Snow piled in his hands that he dumps onto the blonde's head, Tommy screaming. Tubbo stands slack-jawed at what had just started when another snowball hits him in the head, Y/n taking shelter by a tree whilst giggling, Charlie suddenly by their side.

"Wha- Charlie what the hell?!" Tubbo yells but the two quickly pelt the goat-hybrid with more snow, the boy tripping over his feet and falling into the powdery substance. Jack and Ranboo continue to torment Tommy in the snow whilst Charlie and Y/n quickly turn on each other, Y/n shoveling snow into the Slime-hybrid's hair before running off. Little do they know, a Sheep-hybrid woman and her son stand on the porch of her home, watching with hot chocolate mugs and smiles.

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