Episode 2 | Two Yuris?! Drama at Yu-topia

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"Ugh... here we go again..."

"Would you stop complaining for once Yuri?" Replied Otabek.

"You're asking to much." Said Mila.

"What did you said old hag?!?"

"Will you all stop?!?" Scream Yakov.

The timer set of and the same music start again.

"Oh, it's starting." Said Yuuri.

YAKOV and VICTOR stand on a snow-covered bridge.
Flurries of snow fall from the sky.
VICTOR has his back to YAKOV, walking away. VICTOR holds a briefcase in his right hand.
He wears a maroon scarf.

"It's look like a movie scene." Yuuri said in awe.

YAKOV: Vitya! Don't go! Stay here!

"So dramatic..."

"Yuri..." Otabek said in almost a murmur.

VICTOR (turns around): Yakov, you were the best coach I ever had. You always will be.

YAKOV: If you walk away now, you can never come back!

VICTOR drops his briefcase in the snow and puts his hand on YAKOV'S shoulder.
He leans in to whisper in his ear and kisses him on the cheek.

VICTOR: Dasvidaniya. I'm sorry I can't do as you say this time.

"Did you really said that? Was it not awkward at all?" Said Yuuri while laughing.

"Yuuri! Don't laugh at me..."

"I'm sorry but, how can I not when you're acting like that?!"

Frame flips to YAKOV pressing his hands on the airport windows as VICTOR takes off in an airplane.

YAKOV (cross-popping veins): You don't get to say that when you've never done as I said in the first place!

"Oh, Vicchan!" Laugh Yuuri's mother.

Frame of VICTOR waving and giving his signature heart-shaped smile on the plane.

VICTOR: You should come visit Japan, Yakov.

"Yeah, no way..." replied Yakov.

MINAKO bursts through the front entrance doors at Hasetsu Hot Springs Yu-topia Katsuki.
A pile of snow on top of her long brown hair.

"Wow!? Why do you have that much snow in your hair?" Said Chris a little weird out by the situation.

MINAKO (yelling): Yuuri! Why aren't you answering your cell?!

HIROKO: What's wrong?

MINAKO (snow drops off her head): Everything's wrong! There's a rumor that Victor's going to be Yuuri's coach!

MINAKO runs up to HIROKO, placing a hand on her shoulder.

HIROKO: Oh, Vicchan's here already.

"Why is she reacting so calmly compared to everyone else? " Said Georgi.

"That is just how she is. It's calming knowing that she won't fangirl over me." Victor said.


Frame cuts to a sleeping VICTOR.

"Oh my! Why would you sleep like that?!?" Said Yurio while hiding behind his hands.

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