Chapter 9- The Kevin Hunt.

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~~~( Eleanor's P.O.V )~~~

"Good morning" A lovely, british accented voice whispers into my ear.

I clench the bedsheets and roll over to the other side of the bed ignoring Lou. Don't wake me up, don't wake me, don't...

"Good MORNING!" He says a little louder as he rolls me onto my back and straddles my waist. I smile, "Isn't it a little early for.."

He crashes his lips down onto mine and my hormones are going INSANE. I push my body up, meeting my chest to his, hungrily kissing his lips for more as I fiddle with his shirt collar.

"I was just trying to wake you up love." Louis says as he breaks the kiss, fixes his shirt and walks out of the room chuckling. Yeah lets see if you'll be chuckling when I'm in the middle of murdering you.

I groan and open my eyes. As I peer around the hotel room, I honestly don't remember coming in here last night..whatever.

I slide off the bed, smack into the floor and crawl over to the bedroom door. As I reach up for the door handle, the door opens and meets my face.

"I'M SO SORRY!" Lou yells as he kneels down next to me. "Are you okay?"

"First you tease me and then you introduce my face to a door.. yes I'm jolly good." I respond in a sarcastic tone as Lou picks me up and carries me out of the room.

" least the door really woke you up." He says in the middle of a laugh.

"Shut up."

"What happened to your face?" Harry says as he walks by chuckling, probably at how red it is.

"Louis happened."

"Oh so things were getting quite frisky in there." He says with a smirk on his face a continues on with "I don't even wanna know babe I already got an idea." As he walks away smiling like a 5 year old in a candy shop... what a perv.

Louis sets me down on the couch and starts to kiss me up and down my face. "There now that I've kissed all the red spots you will feel better in no time!"

"Lets have a Kevin hunt!" I say with an evil smirk on my face.

"A WHAT!?" Louis screams, horrified of my idea.

"Whats the rules?" Liam interrupts.

-Base of the game: To find as many pigeons as possible today and mark them down on a sheet of paper using one tally mark for each pigeon you come across. The person who spots the most pigeons chooses where we have dinner tonight.


1) No pigeons get killed

2) No contestants, pedestrians, or other animals get killed.

3) No coming up with "imaginary" pigeons.

4) No erasing other contestants tally marks

5) No harassing pigeons,pedestrians, or contestants

6) Every man on their own.No teams.

And may the odds ever be in your favor.

As I explain the rules all the boys facial expressions dampened when I kept repeating, "No killing and/or harassing other contestants." As if they wanted to kill each other. Typical boys.

The boys clap and Zayn says, "Marvellous idea Eleanor."

I bow down and say, "May the odd ever be in your favor. 3..2..1 and your time begins now!"

The boys rush out of the hotel room with pencils and paper. Wow not even 3 minutes and they're already gone. I take a relaxing deep breath out and my ears inhale those immature morons screaming "KEVIN COME TO ME!!" down the street.

May The Games Begin..

(To be continued)

~~Authors Note

Hey my meatballs!!!

Sorry it took me soo long to post:/

ANYWAYS!! If you want to find out when I'm posting the next chapters look on my profile page and it should say it somewhere at the top of the screen.. if you cant find it write on my message board and I'll get back to you:)

300 reads!! YAYYYYY!!!!



Pigeons,Carrots, and a boy named Louis Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz