Chapter 6- What are we now?

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~~~(Eleanor's P.O.V)~~~

I gently sit down on the edge of the pool and dangle my feet in the water. As I take a deep breath in, something holds me back from letting a relaxing deep breath glide out.

What is it that is holding me back? Easy answer, guilt. I have no idea what Megan is going through right now. For god knows she could be roaming the streets all alone and being hit on by strange men or something like that. I kicked her out of the flat, I understand that I'm the babysitter and I'm in charge but I really don't believe it was my position to kick her out. I feel like crap.

"Hey there" Harry says as he sits down next to me.

"Hey" I manage to choke out with a fake smile. I'm pro at this fake smile crap, I've used it since the age of twelve.

"I heard about what happened with Megan and the afterwords.." Harry says with a smirk towards the 'afterwords' part. Obviously talking about me and Lou kissing.

"How did you find out? I question. It had to be Lou.

"Louis" he says with a gitty smile. My thoughts were correct.

"Who else knows?" I sigh as I look down to the water and slowly move my feet around. I picture it now- nobody in the household looking at me the same ever again.

"Everyone knows about Megan but nobody knows about you and Louis except me." He says rubbing my shoulder, he can feel the stress in my body leaking out piece by piece.

"What did Louis say?'

"A lot."

"Can you be more specific?"

"Nah. Nothing you want to know."

"But I do want to know."

"Too bad"

"Your face is too bad."

"Not according to every teenage girl breathing on earth." He smirks,amused with his popularity.

I smack my forehead with the palm of my hand. This boy is the reason medicine companies have Tylenol and Advil and Motrin and all those other things that cure headaches.. now they need to come out with a "Harry Styles Repellent."

"Seriously though what did he say?" I ask again.

"He said the kiss was amazing. You happy now?"

"Very much so yes."


And then there was that random awkward silence... I wonder if he's lying. I shift my legs out of the water and stand up, putting on my flip flops.

"Where you going?" The curious Styles asks as if he's my babysitter.

"My room."

"Can I come?"


And that was the end of that 'lovely' conversation as I slide open the patio door and slip into the house. -YOU MAKE ME FEEL LIKE- starts blaring through the living room. I start patting myself down looking for my stupid phone. Then I start rubbing my butt trying to find it. -A TEENAGE- found it. I grab it out of my left bum cheek pocket and answer.


"HELLO LOVELY!" I jerk my phone away from my ear, nearly going deaf from that.. it's Louis. I hang up. If he wants to talk to me he can come find me.

"Hey why did you hang up?" A familiar voice complains as the lights flick on.

"What the? Where did you come-" I begin to ask but Louis cuts me off.

"Is it wrong that I found it kinda sexy watching you fondle yourself looking for you phone?" He says while bursting into a fit of laughter.

I can't help but roll my eyes and crack a smile. That awkward child.

"For once I can't think of a response." I say as he stops laughing for a moment but still has a stupid smile plastered on his face.

"Good because we're watching a movie." He says.

The next thing I know is that Louis tackles me onto the couch and presses 'play' on the tv. Was he watching me while I was outside or something? He then wraps his arms around my torso as the title 'ZOMBIELAND' pops onto the screen. Great..scary movies..

"HOLY BLOODY ARSE ZOMBIE!" I scream not even 5 minutes into the movie, shoving my face into Lou's chest as I feel him chuckling. Yeah laugh all you want buddy but if I'm a zombie just remember you're my first target.

~~~(Louis' P.O.V)~~~

I can't help myself but laugh at how adorable Eleanor is (but I'm trying to hold it in as best as I can so I don't hurt her feelings.) She is so freaked out about a fake as arse movie that has a lesser chance of happening than Niall going anorexic.

"Louis...can you pause this for a minute?" I hear her muffled voice plead as she lifts her head out of my chest. No, get your head back in there... but being the nice guy I am,I pause the movie.

"Yes love?" I say with a smile on my face.

"What are we?" She asks as she straightens out her posture, propping herself up on one arm.

"What do you mean?" I ask.. yet I know exactly what she means.

"Are we.." She begins to say but I can't let her feel awkward like this asking this stupid question. I crash my lips on top of hers to save her from wasting unnecessary words. Of course we are, well at least in my head we are.

I break off the kiss with a smile, a smile no female on earth can resist (according to the directioner population) "Only if you want to be."

She smiles which makes me smile even bigger. Then she frowns..what? "What's wrong? Was it something I said?"

"No..just what if Simon found out.."

"He won't I promise." I say assuring her that we will be okay. She then cuddles back into me as I press play. "AHHHHHH!!!" The tv screams and I feel El shiver, best first date ever.

Then out of the corner of my eye I notice the bush outside the window rustle and Harry coming out from behind it watching us. God he's really bad at hiding.. he won't rat us out..I'll make sure of it.

Pigeons,Carrots, and a boy named Louis जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें