VI-The Cold Truth

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Slowly their fingers separated, everyone waited for an answer to come out.

Euthymius pushed Aro out of Alice's surroundings and confusedly he looked over the other side of the field where he found the smug face of Edward Cullen and he glared with all his will.

"That's your fate if you decide to proceed with your mission." Alice said smugly as Aro took himself away from his brother and looked towards Bella.

Euthymius looked towards the other side of the field finally acknowledging his mates but not the way they expected.

His red eyes were somewhat glossy and looked saddened unlike the anger he had exibited earlier, his black eyebrows were lifted up in disbelief and his pink lips slightly quivered.

He stared at them until his brother called him to come away.

He turned his back to the others but before he could speed off the field, Carlisle called.


He turned to his old friend, the one who made him doubt his loyalty towards the Volturi.

"Carlisle." He stated holding back a smile.

"It's been awhile." Carlisle said with a smile he had since they met.

He hadn't changed a thing.

"It has."Euthymius said lifting an eyebrow curiously at his small talk, taking in consideration the situation they were in. "I would like to keep this conversation, however I fear I might have to get back to my home."

"Wait! Isn't there something you are forgetting about?" The honey blonde asked looking at Vladimir and Stefan from the corner of his eye.

The two raised their heads and stared at their mate waiting for his response.

He opened his mouth to respond but no sound escaped his lips.

Euthymius clenched his jaw, he wanted nothing more than to reject them right there however he knew that if he did, he would die from it and he still had a brother to protect in this world.

So he did what he had to do.
He held his chin up and recomposed himself. He delivered them the answer as cold as the ground beneath them.

"I'm not forgetting anything. Everything I want is on this side of the field."

Stefan blinked pain flooding his system as he gaped at the response his knees for the first time in centuries felt weak, like they would falter at any time.

Vladimir let the words sink in his subconscious.

He didn't say the word need because in fact he did needed them, he knew what he would experience due to distance but they weren't something he wanted to be close too.

Vladimir felt disbelief at the attitude of the other, he slightly gagged at the pain as he glared at the ground so fiercely that it would probably leave holes in it.

The pain was equal in both sides but the words were nothing but the true.

"Farewell Carlisle." He bid and turned his back.

He disappeared in the forest line as fast as he could, hoping that would be the last time he would see them.


It had been only a few days and the pain wasn't like anything Euthymius had experienced before, it was much like the transition from human to a vampire only it got worse everyday.

His skin had several cracks and his eyes were constantly black, it truly was a horrific sight for the other guards who weren't used to see him this disleveled, the lower-rankings avoided him at all costs afraid of him.

"Are you quite sure you should be out of your room, Euthymius?" Heidi asked trying to keep up with him.

"I'm not weak Heidi, besides my brother called me." He stated with a hoarse voice.

"Sorry." Heidi mumbled."Can I, in the very least, accompany you to the throne room?" She asked stubbornly wanting to make sure everything would be fine with her master.

"You already are, but sure go ahead however I do not know if you will be able to enter with me." He stated taking long strides.

"Of course." She said a smile on her face.

The two continued in silence until they reached the doors to the throne room.

Heidi nodded at her master before going away from the room and the guards slowly opened up the doors for him.

"Ah! You're finally here!"


Hello dear readers! How you doing? See what I did there? The Cliffhanger is kinda cool no? I bet y'all probably still know who it is but oh well.
If you have any questions about the story please ask away in the comments!
Thank you for reading!
Love, The Author.

If you have any questions about the story please ask away in the comments!Thank you for reading!Love, The Author

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