Then I finished but I had cream on my lips.

Oliver chuckled and took his finger and wiped it away.

I blushed.

Thanks I said.

No problem babe said Oliver.

We then left to go to honeydukes to get candy.

Once we entered everything smelled amazing.

All we did was bought chocolate frogs.

Then we left and we were going to go back.

After we got back and put are stuff in are dorms.

I grabbed Oliver and ran outside.

I made a snowball and threw it at him and it hit him right in the face.

I laughed.

Oh oh oh IT IS SO ON said Oliver.

What you ganna do I said teasing him.

He blushed but grabbed a snowball and threw it at me but I ducked and it went pass me.

I smirked.


No I didn't said Oliver.

Huh?? I said.

Then I got hit I screamed.


He started to laugh hard.

I got angry and ran at him and jumped at him his eye's widen.

Babe Oliver said nervous.

Haha helpless know Oliver I said.

He rolled his eyes.

Your forgetting something darling said Oliver.

What I said.


He got on top of me.

How you like me more said Oliver.

I hate you I said.

No you don't you love me said Oliver.

Ya that's right but I'm not ganna kiss you at all I said.

WHAT said Oliver surprised and clearly not happy.


OH I CAN I said.

I got out of his grip and stood up and turned my back to him and crossed my arms and put my head up.

He stood up and tried to get my attention.

Come on don't be like this y/n said Oliver.

Babe give me attention, I need attention said Oliver.

To bad I said.

Oh please don't do this said Oliver.

It's to late its already in motion I said.

Oh come on y/n don't do it said Oliver.

I looked at him.

You piss me off I said and crossed my arms again.

AH COME ON said Oliver.


I was hanging out with Hermione and ginny we were just talking about who they like turns out ginny likes harry.

I ship it I said to ginny.

She started to blush.

STOP IT Y/N said ginny.

Me and Hermione smirked.

Just then Oliver came in the comman room all tired from snape.

He lay down on my lap.

I stroked his hair while I continued to talk to the girls.

Oliver of courses wanted attention so he poked my thigh.

I looked at him.

Yes Oliver I said.

Give me attention said Oliver.

The girls giggled at what Oliver's actions are.

I giggled as well.

Oliver dear you will have all my attention after I'm done with the girls.

But I want attention know please said Oliver.

I giggled.

I looked at the girls to see they are gone.

Ok I said.

Come here I said.

Oliver smileing and snuggled up to me.

I felt happy as I held him.

It was the best snow day ever.


947 words that's not alot but it will do and plus I got no more ideas for this chapter so I guess we are done with this one bye everyone.

- scarlett

Oliver x reader (one shot)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon