the sorting.

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(please correct me on any spelling :) )

WC: 291

I walked up to the sorting with a girl i met on the train, Luna lovegood. she was very kind and she smiled at me in a 'good luck' sort of way when I was called. "miss, lily Weasley?" proffeser McGonagall called and I slowly walked up. ginny had already been sorted into gryffindor like my whole family. the gryffindor tradition goes years in our family. most pureploods are slytherin. but not us. I walked up to the sorting hat as it said "another Weasley?" "hmm" "I wonder where to put you.." it stopped before it started talking again. "yes, yes a Weasley girl." "not like the rest of your family though?." "your very wise and witty." "would you like to be in ravenclaw young girl" I gulped as I thought of my mom she'd be so disappointed if I wasn't gryffindor. the hat took 5 minutes deciding before shouting "RAVENCLAW" I started shaking as I walked over to the ravenclaw table staring at my siblings. they were all shocked, even Percy. he knew I was smart but no one expected me, lily Eliza Weasley to end a whole family tradition. I shook hands with some of my housemates and sat down. then  McGonagall called the next name "miss, Luna lovegood?" Luna walked up and the hat almost immediately called out ravenclaw. I wasn't as worried anymore because I was with Luna. she shook hands with some of our house mates and sat next to me and saw I was worried. "you okay lily?." "u-uhm yeah Luna fine" you said as you did a small fake smile. after the sorting Dumbledore said a few start of term notices and the feast began.

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