1. Paw Prinxe

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A/n - You and your boyfriend Fergal have decided to get a kitten together, and Fergal might be even more excited than you are.
Just cute fluff.

The cars zoomed past on the other side of the highway. The sun was shining brightly and your boyfriend Fergal was happily drumming his fingers on the steering wheel along to the radio. You studied the excited smile on his face, which had been there since you told him he could get a cat.

"So have you got a name picked out yet?" you ask him, knowing full well that he'd had a list prepared for days.

"I'm thinking Loki for a boy. Or maybe Simba," he pondered, "and for a girl I've narrowed it down to either Mochi, Ruby or Willow. Oh, or Yuki."

You chuckled to yourself upon hearing him list off his choices. He'd been frantically googling cat names for days, asking every person you'd interacted with for suggestions, and he still hadn't made his mind up.

"Well we're nearly there. Better make up your mind soon."

You pulled up outside of the address you'd been given. As Fergal knocked on the front door, you reached into the back seat to get the pet carrier.

"Hey! You must be y/n and Fergal!"a kindly older lady opened the door and welcomed you both inside. "I'll show you to the kittens and you can pick whichever one you want."

She left you in a large lounge with 6 adorable kittens and one very proud mum.

"So how old are they?" you asked the lady

"Nine weeks today actually. There were 8 but 2 have left."

"Any health conditions the mother has we should know about?"

"Nope, she's in perfect health" the lady smiled.

You looked over from your conversation towards Fergal. You couldn't help but laugh at the sight of him sat cross-legged on the floor, surrounded by kittens and grinning like an idiot.

He was playing with one using a mouse toy, while two others play fought in his lap. One had even climbed its way up his arm and perched itself on his shoulder. You had a horrible feeling that he wouldn't be able to pick just one.

After playing with the kittens for around 10 minutes, he walked up to you triumphantly holding a tiny white kitten with beautiful blue eyes.

"Yuki!" he beamed, holding the kitten out to you. She was very cute, and as you placed her into the pet carrier on the floor, one of the other kittens ran over and started clawing at the bars and meowing frantically.

"Those two are best friends. It's gonna be hard for them, being separated. You can take them both if you'd like," the lady piped in.

Fergal's gaze snapped towards you,  with the largest, saddest puppy-dog eyes he could muster. How could you possibly say no?

"Fiiine!" you feigned annoyance, but you always knew you'd never be leaving here with just one kitten. "What are you going to name him?"

"Loki!" he beamed.

You thanked the lady and headed back to your car. You offered to drive home so that Fergal could sit in the back seat with the kittens.

On the way home, you stopped by a pet shop to get some supplies for the kittens. Knowing that you would regret this decision, you let Fergal go in while you stayed with the kittens. He returned to the car with bags full of supplies, treats and toys. These cats were going to be so spoiled.

After arriving home and placing the carrier in the floor, it took them a while before they set paw out of their hidey hole. Fergal just wanted to play with the kittens and sulked on the sofa when you told him to leave them alone until they were settled.

Eventually, they started to explore your house, diving onto surfaces and crawling into hidey holes. Fergal sat on the floor, trying to tempt them over to him with treats, pouting when they jumped off of him to explore some more.

He reached into one of the bags and pulled out a laser pen, moving it around frantically trying to get the kittens attention. Both of the kittens started chasing the red dot, wiggling their hind legs playful and jumping at it whenever it stayed till for long enough.

He focused the beam onto your legs, smirking mischievously at you as two tiny kittens dove at you, clinging to your legs, Yuki's claws getting stuck in the process. She looked up at you and let out a tiny mew. You unhooked her claw and lifted her up, placing a soft kiss on her head before putting her back down and watching Fergal playfully chase them around the floor.

After an entire night of playing with the kittens, you and Fergal cuddled up on the sofa to watch a movie, a very sleepy Yuki and Loki on each of your laps. The purring of the kittens was very relaxing, and by the end of the movie Fergal had nodded off on the seat next to you.

"Baby," you gently shook him awake. "Let's go to bed. OK?"

Fergal groaned and sleepily opened his eyes. As he dragged himself off the sofa and up to bed, you filled bowls with food and water for the kittens. You looked around for them to bring them their food, but they were nowhere to be seen.

Smiling, you sighed to yourself and carried the cat bowls up to your bedroom.

Fergal had already fallen soundly asleep. He was smiling softly and cuddling both of the kittens to his  chest. You laughed to yourself, shaking your head and placing the cat bowls on the floor. You climbed into bed next to him, kissing his forehead gently and laying next to him. What an adorable softy your handsome prinxe was.

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