Chapter XIII: Hero

Start from the beginning

After several minutes and every ounce of resolve he'd had, his barrier had broken. He'd nearly passed out from exhaustion, but through the dense fog that had settled over his brain, he heard the back of a hand smacking someone across the face. He heard Yaoyorozu grunt in pain and hit the ground. He wasn't exactly sure what had happened next. A ripple of light, perhaps? Or a concentrated beam? Either way, when the dust settled and the pro heroes and police hauled the villains off in squad cars, only one was wheeled out on a stretcher.

Miraculously, none of the students had been seriously injured during the attack on the USJ. Aside from a few cuts and bruises and minor dehydration, most of Class 1A walked away relatively unscathed. The real damage, the lasting effects, would be what it did to their spirits. (L/N) was lying down in Recovery Girl's office feeling quite drained after she had tended to his broken ribs, when Principal Nezu entered.

"How are you feeling, Mr. (L/N)?" He asked, taking a few steps into the room.

"I'm fine." (L/N) answered. "What about the others?"

"Mr. Oijiro sustained a few minor burns, and Mr. Midorya's legs and right arm were broken during the event, but the rest of your classmates are unharmed, thanks in no small part to your efforts. Thirteen, as well as your classmates, informed me that you acted quite heroically. That being said, I'm afraid we need to discuss the events that occurred at the USJ. Though I understand the situation was dire, the fact remains that you permanently injured two individuals."

(L/N) looked up from his lap, his ears directed towards the Principal. "What?" He asked in a quiet voice.

"Yes," Nezu nodded, "I'm afraid you severely injured two of the criminals whilst aiding your classmates in the mountain zone. A Mr. Onishi suffered the loss of his hand in the early minutes of your encounter and is now taking legal action against the school."

"I... I'm sorry." (L/N) said guiltily. "And the other?"

"First, I think it's important to tell you that no one blames you for what happened. As your teachers, it was our responsibility to ensure your safety and the safety of your peers. And given the fact that Thirteen gave her permission, the blame lies solely with the staff of..."

"The other villain." (L/N) interrupted. "What did I... what did I do to them?"

The Principal folded his hands in front of him, taking a breath before speaking. "In the final moments before the pros arrived, you, Mr. Kaminari, Ms. Jiro, and Ms. Yaoyorozu were cornered by thirty-seven villains. Unable to reach you in time to prevent any more danger to the four of you, your quirk manifested as a defensive mechanism that resulted in a blinding flash of light. Because of this, no one is quite sure of what exactly happened. All we know is the result. All thirty-seven villains were found no closer than five meters to your location, and all rendered unconscious. Some suffered from fractured or broken bones and others from minor to moderate burns. Such injuries are considered minor and therefore inconsequential."

"Stop tiptoeing around it." (L/N) said aggressively. "What did I do."

"In addition to the burns and broken bones, one individual, Ms. Miyoko Matsui suffered a Class A sever of her C2 C3 vertebrae and has been diagnosed with tetraplegia. She has lost motor function beneath her cervical spine."

Several seconds of silence followed the Principal's revelation.

"I... paralyzed someone?" (L/N) asked finally.

"Again, the responsibility rests solely on our shoulders." Nezu reassured. "The school never should have allowed our students to have been placed in such dangerous circumstances. UA is shouldering complete blame for any injuries sustained by the intruders. Rest assured you will not be punished for matters beyond your control."

"I paralyzed that person." (L/N) repeated, seeming not to have heard anything past that.

Nezu sighed. "Ultimately, I am afraid that is correct."

(L/N) swallowed down the lump in his throat. "I told you I don't belong here." He rasped. "I told you. I told you!"

"No, you just need to control your power."

"I can't control it!" (L/N) roared. "I don't know how!"

"And that's why you're here." Principal Nezu countered. "So you can learn. Please, I can't imagine how you must be feeling right now, but you seem to be forgetting one crucial fact."

"And what's that?" (L/N) spat.

Principal Nezu smiled. "You saved your friends' lives. Because of you, Ms. Ashido, Mr. Oijiro, Mr. Tokoyami, Mr. Koda, Ms. Hakagure, Mr. Kaminari, Ms. Jiro, and Ms. Yaoyorozu survived the attack on the USJ unharmed. You did that. And despite your shortcomings, one thing is certain. Those actions, your actions, are the actions of a true hero." 

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