You and I come from the same star

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Your eyes burn as the ringing in your ears grows more intense, the quiet was almost painful to hear. As the crickets chirp outside your opened bedroom window, the curtains dancing lightly from the evening breeze..and though as your eyelids grow heavy from the countless nights of you staying up,

Waiting... Hoping...praying...He'd come see you, you let out a deep sigh through your nose, the rustle of the comforter and the bed sheets, a pleasant noise in the quiet of the night as you lean over to lift your phone from its charger. 

You check the time

1:02 AM

You feel your shoulders slump, heavy with disappointment and crushed hope.

But you don't blame him,
you know more than anyone knew he was the last person who had any semblance of control over the situation he was in..,
    oh no . . .
You blamed yourself for keeping such high expectations, you knew what you were getting  into when you fell for that Bomb headed man you found in an alley,

You could recall your first meeting as if it were yesterday...
You found him,
halfway inside the dumpster behind your apartments, the blue hoodie he wore torn and ragged, his orange shoes worn down and scratched muddied, but what drew you to him in the first place...were those gorgeous, orange glowing eyes that felt like an endless pool of molten gold, and shone against his rough, metallic he stared at you wide eyed and scared, the light pinpricks in his eyes so small you barely could've noticed them,

You took one step towards the giant..person?...cryptid? It didn't matter, something inside you compelled you to offer him aid.., perhaps you were reading too many fantasy novels, or watched too many romcoms where these types of situations eventually resulted in romance - thinking back on it now, haha what irony is that?.. - you didn't miss the way his hands trembled as he bunched them up into fists, and how his fuse, atop his head twitched,

You took a step back again, trying to show him you meant no harm, he still stared you down like a cornered tiger, his gaze now guarded and unwavering but didn't appear to be hostile, you gestured for him to wait there and ran back inside.

You thanked whatever deities were out there you lived on the ground floor, as you ran back out, in your arms a backpack filled with canned goods you never truly liked but were on sale one day so it was too good a deal to pass up, and some old clothes that had been stretched out from a dryer malfunction, and were too big to fit you anymore.

you peaked your head into the alley and saw him back to rummaging within the dumpsters, he must of sensed your presence somehow, because he paused suddenly, looking back at you, who was already halfway down the alley and almost 3 feet away from him.

The large stranger flinched upon realizing how close you were. backing up an extra three steps, his back hitting the wall.  You offered him a smile before gently placing down the bag in front of him. arms up in surrender, you make a show of walking away from the alley and back inside your apartments.

Hours later, you received a phone call from an unknown number, you let it go to voice mail and when you opened the message you were pleasantly surprised..

"Hello? Is this the person who gave me this bag earlier? I just wanted to say Thank You for your generosity and if you are wondering how I got your...cellular?, your bag  had a couple scribbles on it , some were a series of digits I couldn't comprehend until I read the words saying 'cellphone number' next to it... Anyways I'll try to keep this short. I am in your debt, and I'll try to repay you as best as I can.. Starting with giving you my name, I'm Whitty ." *click*

From then on, he kept popping up more and more, at first he came and helped carry your groceries when you were out a little late due to a double shift at your work, the next was the time he stopped a man from abducting you in a taxi,

since then he started walking you home, and hanging around your apartments more often. You eventually invited him inside, and it became to the point he started living with you, to his dismay,

you had tricked him by saying he was "house sitting" since he had refused any and all previous offers you gave him about giving him shelter in your home till he could get himself on his feet.

Eventually you two developed feeling for each other, along the way you learned more about Whitty, he was actually rather shy and timid, he wasn't very knowledgeable but can pick up on things quickly, and his skin feels like worn down sand paper but colder.

It was surprisingly Whitty who made the first move, stating he was developing feelings he didn't understand from watching other people on the streets for so long, he wanted to try and he was sure he wanted it to be with you.

From that day on, everything was pure bliss.

He was a very shy partner, no surprise there. But the more you showed him affection, the more he'd do the same to you, it was a perfect balance of give and take between the two.

The first time he held your hand, you asked first but made sure he'd be the first to initiate it, your first kiss went the same way, and eventually you two started sleeping in the same bed. 

When you'd have nightmares he'd kiss your forehead, and stroke his large fingers through your hair as gentle as he could.

You also discovered he was afraid of thunder storms as, one night you two were asleep, a clap of thunder roared outside and Whitty let out the loudest shriek you ever heard, it shook the entire complex and thankfully your neighbors thought it was merely because of the thunder.

You sigh, running your hand across the sheet to his side, wishing his large body was laying next to yours. It had been like this for months now... Since the day he left.

You could recall the panic in his face, the absolute torn expression on his face as he explained to you his reasons and the full gravity of his situation.
Very dangerous people were out to get him.. And if you were caught in the crossfire it would be chaos and despair for everyone.. For Whitty didn't know the full extent of his rage, and he didn't want to find out by risking losing you. And so he left.. Never to be seen...

For days....

For weeks....

For months...

He felt so far away from your grasp, he didn't have a cell phone on him... Just that dingy backpack and the clothes off his back.. So you were left to wonder how he was now... Did they catch him?...
Did he get away..?  Or did he...find someone else?....

You squeeze your eyes shut, shaking your head, as you hold back frustrated tears the try to roll free. 

You need more faith in him, for all you know he could be back any-

*knock*    ....   *knock*....

You wearily walk to the door, hands trembling you reach for the knob, the cold metal causing goosebumps to go down your arms....

You crack the door open and see....him....



Whitty X Reader one shot|| So Far AwayWhere stories live. Discover now