Land, Ho!

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The four children had been rowing for about an hour or so. Wind swept Violet's long hair into her face, but her hands were busy with the oar, so she had to awkwardly shake her head to get the strands out of her eyes. The chill nipped at Sunny's small nose and she gave a small sneeze. She had been sitting in Klaus' lap while he read through Quigley's composition book. Nowhere in Kit Snicket's notes could he find out what was in the sugar bowl- Quigley had admitted to keeping his word to Kit and handed it off to the carrier crows before looking inside.

"Quigley, you're sure you have no idea what's in the sugar bowl?" Klaus asked, pushing his glasses up his nose. Quigley, who was rowing along with Violet, sighed.

"No, I never looked inside it. Kit said if we knew, we'd be in more danger...I think it's best if we keep ourselves in the dark," He said.

"I wish Kit- and everyone else involved with V.F.D., for that matter, weren't so vague about everything." Klaus lamented. "These notes are so unclear- there's still so much I don't what caused the schism, why Esme is so concerned about the sugar bowl, it's so frustrating,"

"When we get to Briny Beach, maybe Kit will keep her word to Quigley and meet us there," Violet responded. "Perhaps then she'll tell us more,"

There was a string of silence as the children rowed through the misty afternoon fog. About half an hour passed before Sunny gasped.

"Land, Ho!" She cried. Her siblings and Quigley glanced at her. "Land, Ho!" Sunny shouted, as loud as she could. She pointed right in front of her, and then the rest of the children saw. There, in the distance, was a stretch of land that was unmistakably Briny Beach.

"Hurry, Quigley!" Violet cried. "Row as fast as you can!" Klaus attempted to help by rowing with a small spare piece of wood he'd found under his seat. Finally, after what felt like forever, the rickety sailboat reached shallow waters. The children climbed out and crawled onto land.

"So much has changed since we were last here," Violet said, her voice shaking. Klaus, who had been standing nearby, looking through the V.F.D. spyglass, let out a gasp.

"Klaus?" Quigley asked. " everything alright?" Klaus attempted to speak, but his voice caught in his throat. He lowered the spyglass and turned toward his siblings and friend.

"It's the Hot-Air Mobile Home," He whispered. Violet's eyes grew wide with realization.

"Oh my God..." was all she could manage.

"It- it looks like it's crashed," Klaus said. "We have to go, come on!" He said, his voice rising with urgency as he scooped up Sunny. Quigley, who had been filled in on the whereabouts of his siblings by both Kit and the Baudelaires, couldn't speak. He simply took Violet's hand and ran after Klaus and Sunny.

They were about 100 feet away from the Hot-Air Mobile Home when they saw two figures standing in front of it.

"Duncan!" Klaus cried.

"Isadora!" Violet shouted.

"QUAGMIRES!" Sunny shrieked.

They ran and ran and ran until their legs nearly gave out. Finally, they were standing in front of the Hot-Air Mobile Home, but more importantly, their friends.

"Klaus?" Duncan breathed.

"Violet?" Isadora managed.

"Is that-"

"It *can't* be-"

"Oh my is-"

"QUIGLEY!" The two triplets screamed. They raced toward their long-lost sibling and embraced him in a tearful hug.

"I thought I'd never see you all again," Quigley murmured into Isadora's shoulder.

"We're here, it's ok. We're here, we're together, we're alive, we're here," Duncan whispered.

The Baudleaires smiled to themselves as their friends gave each other long-overdue hugs. Soon, they broke apart amidst sniffles and tearful, shaky laughter. Isadora and Duncan turned to the Baudelaires and their tears started all over again. Isadora wrapped Violet in a bone-crushing hug, and the two best friends shared heartfelt hello's.

Duncan wrapped his arms around Klaus' neck and squeezed him tight. Klaus reddened as Duncan pulled away. The world froze for a moment as the two locked eyes. No one saw who initiated it, but before one could say "Pistachios for everyone," Klaus and Duncan were kissing.

Isadora rolled her eyes and elbowed Violet and the two girls giggled at their lovesick brothers.

"Yuck!" Sunny shrieked with a grin.

Quigley just stood there, a look of confusion graced upon his face.

"Wh- what-" He stuttered. "When did those two have a thing- " He turned to Violet. "You never told me- What are you laughing at?" Violet rolled her eyes and pecked him on the cheek.

"Just let them be," She said. Isadora chuckled and scooped up Sunny, who stuck her tongue out at Quigley.

Quigley threw his hands in the air. "Why does no one ever tell me anything!?"

By now the two lovestruck teens had pulled apart and were simply holding hands. Suddenly, something dawned on Klaus.

"Hector," He said. "Is he- where is he?"

Duncan's smile slipped from his face, and Isadora blinked back tears.

"He..." she started. "He's dead."

The Baudelaires were shocked. Violet gripped Quigley's arm and swallowed the lump forming in her throat. Klaus stumbled back, Duncan steadying the younger boy. Sunny buried her face in Isadora's neck and whimpered.

"He hit his head on a rock when we crashed, there was nothing we could do. We were attacked by a group of eagles -V.F.D. eagles- and we went down. Duncan managed to steer us to a safe spot to land, it's a miracle neither of us was killed either." Isadora explained.

"He was a very good man," Violet said, sadly. Everyone nodded and stood in silence for a moment.

The sounds of a car horn snapped them out of their silence. A yellow taxi pulled up near the beach, and a tall, brown-haired woman who shared a striking resemblance to Jacques Snicket stepped out.

"Hello, children," she called. "My name is Kit Snicket. I'm here to bring you to The Last Safe Place."

Notes: Thanks so much for reading! 

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