the brunette dragged his fingers from jeongguk's neck to his chest, giving a flick to his nub before travelling further south and resting on his ass, all while his teasing lips worked their way on the submissive's neck and jaw.

jeongguk breathed heavily as his boyfriend kissed him senseless, his eyes shutting as taehyung parted his legs, allowing the boy to shamelessly grind and hump his thigh while moaning and humming. taehyung could practically feel the boy's frustration while he humped him, but he couldn't let him come just yet so he pulled out his thigh from between jeongguk's legs, his trousers having a noticeable wet patch and lifted jeongguk by his ass, making the boy wrap his legs around taehyung's waist and hold onto his shoulders while his lips moved against the other's.

(air who)

the brunette moved to the clear part of the counter before settling jeongguk on it.

"wait a second" taehyung pulled away from jeongguk's lips and rested his forehead on the younger's.

taehyung extended his arm as he reached out to the bowl and the plate full of strawberries which had the knife placed on it.

jeongguk's eyes widened at the knife as he looked at taehyung.

"would you like to try this?" taehyung asked for permission to which jeongguk hesitated a bit.

"you know you can just say no right" the brunette smiled at jeongguk, putting the plate aside and pressed a kiss on his forehead, reassuring him.

"no, no i trust you" jeongguk agreed to which the other asked again, not wanting the younger to feel pressured. jeongguk smiled and nodded at taehyung before nodding and pulling him into a kiss.

taehyung pecked Jeongguk once before he shifted to jeongguk's neck again, the tip of his nose grazing the sensitive skin making him shudder and thread his fingers into the luscious brown locks and press into his boyfriend at the sensation of taehyungs teeth grazing and nipping on his throat as he left marks on the pretty neck of the younger while his fingers undid the buttons of the shirt before sliding it off and throwing it somewhere to be forgotten.

he pushed jeongguk down till his back hit the wide counter, his naked back arching at the feeling of the cold marble making him shiver.

taehyung pulled jeongguk a little down by his waist with one arm while his other hand grabbed a strawberry which one once frozen.

gripping one end of the fruit with his teeth as he bit on it a little hard to let the juices run down to stain his lips, he leaned down to jeongguk's mouth, his one eyebrow raised as he pointed at the strawberry with his eyes, commanding the younger to take it in his mouth to which he craned his neck, his teeth digging into the strawberry, its liquid dripping down the side of his mouth, his eyes fixed on taehyung's as he closed his lips around the fruit before biting it fully.

taehyung smirked as he raised his hand and brought it to the side of jeongguk's mouth as he used his thumb to wipe away the red stain, only to smear it more. he brought his thumb back to the bottom lip of the younger.

"suck" taehyung pushed his thumb inside jeongguk's mouth, feeling the boy swirl his finger around it before sucking on it, his wide doe eyes looking straight into taehyung's before releasing it.

taehyung really wanted to stop and just fuck him, but that would take the fun out of it, so he controlled himself.

he was about to reach out for the dark chocolate but jeongguk had other plans. he loved to see the effect he had on taehyung, so he pushed himself up, his plump butt sliding from the marble counter as he stood up, a sneaky smile making a way to his mouth when he looked at how shocked taehyung looked.

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