🍓 Blue n red 👑

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It's been three days since the minor misunderstanding occurred. And to mention... (Y/n) and Colon haven't spoken since then. Wherever they put their ego, it must be really high.

"Ne... Naa-kun..." Nanamori turns his head to Jel.

"Yeah. What is it, Jel?" he asked Jel as Jel whispered to him.

"How long is it again since they fought?"

"Hmm... Maybe around three days?"

"WHAT? IT'S THREE DAYS ALREADY?? HOW TF THEY EVEN SURVIVED???" Jel shouted, right next to Nanamori's ear.

"Jeez... Jel, don't need to shout at me. I might go deaf." Nanamori scolds him while Jel keeps repeating apologizing like a mother and a son.

"Should we do something? Because I'm afraid they might don't even want to see each other faces again. And then worse, (Y/n) might leave this group-"

Nanamori cut off Root, preventing him from overthinking. "Woah, woah, woah. Root-kun, stop overthinking. They gonna be just fine. Plus, if (Y/n) wants to leave us, Riinu would definitely not allow it." His mind suddenly comes up with an idea.

"Speaking of Riinu, what if we ask him to help since he knows (Y/n)-san more than us, right?" Nanamori asked, his eyes looking for the redhead puppy look like.

"Great thinking, Naa-kun!"

"I just hope he knows how to resolve this..." Satomi sighed, his gaze fixed on his monitor, where he was editing a video play game that he planned to upload to YouTube.

"Why Satomi? Is something wrong?" Nanamori asked him, concerned.

"Why? Because of Colon of course! He didn't shut his freaking mouth even for once since the fight!" Satomi huffed, irritated by his roommate's behavior. 

"Sometimes he would drag the topic, angrily out of nowhere!"

"What is her problem?? How dare she called me a freaking monkey!"

"Colon, you even called yourself a monkey."

"Or sometimes he would cry nonstop!"


"Colon... Instead of complaining to me, what about you go to her AND ASK HER BY YOURSELF"

"Oof- That's harsh buddy" 

"Shut up, I know that"

Unknown to any of them, Riinu was already in (Y/n)'s room, laying in her bed while (Y/n) is organizing their schedule. 

"(N/n)~~ You done yet?" Riinu asked impatiently.

"Rin, it's been 25 times you asked the same question and it's just been 5 minutes since I started. I can't concentrate if you keep asking." (Y/n) sighed heavily. 

"But I'm boreddd. Can't we go outside and take a walk for a little while??"

"Sorry I can't right now. Why not you try to ask the others." suggested to him, hoping he'd leave her alone to finish her job. Don't get me wrong, she desperately wants to loosen up and spend time with her childhood best friend. However, still have a large number of tasks to complete by the end of the day tomorrow. 

"Everyone is busy too... Naa-kun and Ruu-chan need to work on the new song. Sato-chan is editing his video, Jel too. And then there's Colon-chan... He's been sulking for the past three days who knows why... And now you're busy with your manager thingy." Riinu pout cutely. 

Sweet Sour Strawberry Life || Strawberry PrinceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora