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Damien and Nathan looked pretty similar. Dark brown eyes that seemed as dark as the pupils and tan complexions. Shoulder length black hair with shaggy bangs. Damien was adorable. He was way more innocent and sensitive than his brother. Nathan was sweet too, but he didn't like showing that side of himself. He would only ever show it around his brother. They were so close, that if you so as much scratched one of them in front of the other, might as well pray Heaven would let you in.

It was true though. He did have a body count, but he had redeemed himself somewhat. How? Well, there was a fire. At one of the worst places for a fire to be. A freaking orphanage. There were two kids left, and Nathan rushed in. Those who knew about Nathan's criminal record felt Nathan had earned his second chance after that. That he had redeemed himself. Almost risking his life to save two little kids. Others didn't, but strangely no one said anything for years. Yes, what he did was wrong, but he was genuinely sorry, and my mother believed God had forgiven him.

Plus, they didn't have enough evidence to convict him, so things seemed safe...

So, that was how it started. Imagine a perfect-looking day. Sunny outside, perfect breeze, and not a cloud in the sky. Nathan was in the room he and Damien shared. He was reading a book, the blinds were out of the way, and the sun was shining into the room. Damien and I were baking sugar cookies, one of our favorite treats. Damien was a bit of a roseboy, and he looked adorable that day. He had a white ribbon in his hair, and oversized purple sweater, light blue shorts, and white knee-highs. I looked simple as ever. White tee shirt and dark blue jeans. Our friend, Chester, was sitting in a chair in the living room. He had a black, short-sleeved shirt with a band name I never heard of before, a long-sleeved black and white shirt under the other shirt,  and basketball shorts.

Then, there was a knock on our door. I was nervous. My parents weren't home, and they wouldn't be home for a few hours. The knocking became more aggressive, and I got more worried. I gripped Damien's hand, and he wrapped his arms around me. Nathan came out of his room, and Chester came to us as the knocking became more frantic.

Suddenly, the door bust down.

I was the police.


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