Chapter One

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The sun against my eyelids brought me out of the deep sleep. My eyes blinked groggily, unaccustom to the bright light that shown through a broken out window. A putrid smell of garbage and rotten flesh filled my nose.

I wasn't in the glade anymore. Definitely not the glade.

Where the hell was I?

I glanced around and relaxed when I saw Gally sat in the corner of the room, slumped in a sunfaded lawn chair with his eyes lightly closed.

He had on a button up shirt that only had a couple buttons toward the bottom done up. Under the shirt, a white wrap was around his chest, most likely where the spear went into him.

How long ago was that?

The small room we were in had two cots, the one I was on and another not far from it. The striped wallpaper covering the walls was sunfaded and cracked. Yellow stains ran down them from water up above.

Despite the fact I knew absolutely nothing of the past events that led me to this awful looking place, I was still relieved to see Gally alive and well.

Gally sighed and opened his eyes. Once they settled on me, his jaw dropped and he sat up straight.

"Am I dead? Because this has to be hell if you are here," I said. My voice was more hoarse than I remembered.

Gally laughed, but it quickly turned into a cough. His face twisted into pain and he placed his hand over his chest.

"Glad to see you haven't changed, Joan. Rise and shine," he replied as he got up and walked to my cot, pulling his lawn chair after him and sitting back down next to me.

"Where are we? How did we get out of that lab? How long have I been out?" Question spewed from my mouth faster than my brain processed.

I attempted to set up, but a sharp pain ripped through my abdomin.

"Woah, woah! You just woke up. I will explain everything in a while. Just rest now," he reached over and grabbed my hand.

His face was pinched with sorrow and I momentarily wondered why.

Chuck. He killed Chuck.

Just the thought of it sent a shiver down my spine. The guilt from what happened must be gnawing him from the inside out.

"Wanna talk about it?" I asked.

He pursed his lips and shook his head. "There is nothing to talk about."

"Bottling it up isn't going to help Gally."

"Yeah well talking isn't going to bring him back, now is it Joan," he snapped. "I was stung. I wasn't in control, and in all honesty, I was aiming for Thomas."

He shook his head and stood up, walking to the window.

"He is going to get them all killed. It was WCKD that took them from the maze," he said under his breath.

"What?" I pulled myself up and ignored the pain. "WCKD still has them?"

He nodded his head and rubbed his chin, deep in thought.

"We have to save them. We have to help," I frantically tried to get out of the bed, but Gally rushed to my side and pushed me back down.

"Slim it shuck face. We are out now. Getting ourselves caught and thrown back into WCKD's tests is not going to help them any. We will plan and figure things out, but for now you need to rest," Gally sat on the edge of the cot.

I grabbed his hand and he pulled it up to his lips, gently placing a kiss on my knuckles.

"Promise me will we get them Gally. No matter what it takes," I pleaded.

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