"How do you deal with that?" you whispered into her embrace. You had never had a panic attack in your life and to think that y/n had dealt with them for years made your heart drop. You never understood how bad it actually was until you experienced it yourself and you couldn't believe how strong your girlfriend was because you definitely
could not handle that multiple times a week.

She pulled away carefully giving you a soft smile. "I don't Em, It just happens" she said stroking your hair.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She asked carefully looking into your eyes.

"Not really...if that's okay" you whispered feeling yourself being on the verge of tears.

"It's okay Em but I'm here for you, you're not alone, okay?" She said softly caressing your cheek. God you were so lucky to have such an amazing and understanding girlfriend you thought to yourself.

"Thank you" you smiled.

You watched her as she got up from the bed and grabbed her phone on the night stand to check the time. "It's only 5 am, we don't need to be up for another hour and a half. Do you want to sleep a bit?" She asked in a soft voice.

"I don't think I can go back to sleep" you answered honestly. You didn't want to go back there, to that dark room with her, you couldn't.

"Alright how about we go and make some breakfast then?" She proposed. You nodded in agreement and she took your hand and pulled you up from the bed, leading you into the kitchen.

Y/N's pov:
You walked into the kitchen with Emily following behind you.

"What do you want for breakfast?" You asked turning around to face her. She smirked and backed you into the kitchen counter, leaning into your ear whispering "you". You rolled your eyes and pushed her away gently. "Good try"

You started making some oatmeal while Emily watched you. When you were done you divided it into two bowls and diced up some fresh strawberries to put on top along with a drizzle of honey. You both grabbed your food and sat down to eat it. You watched as she took a bite "Mm that's really good" she smiled taking another bite of the oatmeal.

You both ate in silence. It wasn't the uncomfortable type of silence, it was comfortable somehow, calming. You started thinking about the note and the text Emily had told you about. You knew you had to do something about it because if this Maya was really threatening her then god knows what could happen. You glanced over at Emily who was reading some magazine that she had found on the table. You sighed, trying to catch her attention.

"Maybe we should tell the team?" You said making her look up from the page she was reading.

"y/n...i don't know" she replied, uncertain if it was a good idea getting anyone else involved. "Can we just keep this between us for now?" She asked, giving you that look that made you soft inside, a look you had a hard time resisting.

"Fine, but you have to tell me if you get any more threats, no more lying" you said in a serious tone.

"Okay" she said in a low voice, looking into your eyes.

"I mean it Emily" you said, letting her know you were being serious by using her full name instead of the nickname you always called her. You rarely called her Emily other than when you were mad at her or having a serious discussion and she knew that of course.

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