A is for Anthrax - Part 2

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Will: yeah ok.

Ellie: It wasn't like that with us.

She said pointing between the two of them.

Will: Yeah you're right, you are. I don't know. Jay has weird taste

Will smiled and laughed as Ellie rolled her eyes and shook her head.

Ellie: We had a bad day yesterday. But neither of us wanted to go to Molly's.

Will: Oh so that's why you left so fast without even ordering a drink, you were looking for my brother.

Ellie: I only went to see if he ended up going. When he wasn't there, I left. But I didn't want to be alone either. So I went home and grabbed a bottle from the case

Will: What?! You wasted a bottle of Pop's Jameson Irish Whisky on Jay?! What?! Come on El we've been best friends what 10 years?!

She nodded and smiled.

Ellie: We ended up drinking and I stayed the night.

Will: Ok.

Ellie: It wasn't like that. I drank more than he did. He wouldn't let me drive and we ended up crashing on the couch. There's nothing physical between us.

Will: Ok keep telling yourself that.

Ellie: Will.

Will: Look he's my little brother and I love him. And you're my best friend and I love you too. I know him and I know you. And Jay, he doesn't fall easy. But when he does, man he does, he gives himself 1000%. And I'm telling you I know you know all about Erin.

Ellie: Will this isnt

Will: He pined for Erin for years. He ended up living with Erin, he was going to marry Erin but I never saw him look at Erin the way he looks at you.

Ellie: Well that's because he was either under the influence of pain medicine or deprivation of oxygen.

Will: You trying to convince me or you?

Ellie: Look i know you don't want something to happen between us because it could affect our friendship, it won't Will.

Will: I'm not worried about that. If it worked, I think it would be awesome. I'd love to have you as my sister in law but I'm a little worried about what would happen to Jay here and you know what I'm talking about. Either you're all in Ellie or you're out completely. And you need to nip this in the bud before it goes that far.

Ellie: Will I'm trying to figure that out. I know I have my rules but I do care about your brother. I really do.

Will: You got to tell him El.

Ellie: He knows I don't date cops. He said he wasn't going to press me at the time.But we came to the realization that i can have a relationship with him the way I have with you.

Will: But is that what you really want Ellie? Because I don't think he could go that route again. It's going to be all or nothing with him.

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