Here enters Rhys Phoenix

Start bij het begin

"After this season we are taking the following week off and going on a vacation. Screw training for outdoors, We fucking deserve it after everything we have been through the past almost year."

I blink and say

"Wow, has it been almost a year since we got together? It feels like a lifetime ago now. So much has happened since then it makes it feel like years."

His hand grabbed mine and squeezed it, while saying,

"It really does feel like we have been together for a lot longer then we have. And we went through hell a few times, but at the end of the day I got you and our son and that's all that matters to me."

My eyes welled up in tears as I beam at him, he returns the smile and I lean in and whispered against his lips,

"God I'm so lucky to have you, we both are. And we love you so damn much."

He kisses me lightly a few times before whispering back,

"I'm the lucky one, you have given me a child. I'm so lucky to have you two by my side. I love you two to the ends of the earth."

Before anything else could be said Jace yawned and wiggled a bit getting our attention making us laugh. We get up and head to the airport to head home.

As we get home that evening and all I wanted to do was pass the fuck out. Traveling with a 2 month old was taxing beyond belief let me tell you. He would only calm down if Chase was holding him, he would cry if I was which hurt but he's just a daddy's boy and he was with me the most this past weekend anyways. Chase goes to clean him up and put him to bed as I take a quick shower and go to bed. I was asleep before Chase even finished his shower, the whole weekend catching up to me.

Layla POV:

As soon as we had gotten back to Jetts place I went straight to bed, completely and utterly spent. On and off the whole weekend I had been cramping but I wrote it off as being this close to me due date, which scared the shit out of me to be honest. But around 3 am I'm woken up by my stomach cramping up big time, sitting up slightly only for Jett to wake up and sleepily ask,

"What's wrong babe?"

I go to tell him I'm fine but I feel something pop and my legs get wet making my eyes go wide as I look at Jett and shakily say,

"Jett, my water just broke. Oh god my water just broke!"

I panic for a second before calming myself down as Jett tries to understand what was happening, and as soon as he did he started running around the room getting dressed while grabbing clothes for me. As he comes to help me up and get dressed a contraction hit making me let out a almost scream in pain. Jett was flipping out trying to keep me from falling over. After a minute it passes and I let out a shaky breath as I slowly straighten up and he asks,

"You ok now? Think we can get you changed and to the car or do you need to sit down for a minute?"

As much as I wanted to sit down I knew time was not on my side at the moment, so I answer,

"I can get changed if you help me, we really shouldn't take our time seeing as we don't know when he's gonna be ready to come out and I really don't want to go through what Sarah did if I can help it, honestly I don't think I could even if I had too."

He nods with worry shining in his eyes, and I couldn't help but think back through everything that leads up to this moment. From finding out I was going to be a mom, to this point.

I remember googling my symptoms and it coming up with pregnancy, flipping out over the possibility of that being real. Pacing my room till my parents left for work to rush to the closest drug store and buying 3 different kinds of tests and taking them at the taco bell across the street. I cried in that bathroom for at least 30 minutes before I composed myself enough to get back to my truck without making a scene. I must have sat another 30 minutes before texting Sarah if I could come over and talk to her, knowing I had already made her worried with just that. And I felt so fucking guilty for that with her already going through so much already and now I was going to ask her to help me with this. 

Chasing ChampionsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu